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RE: Looking at the EDSI model vs Current state of HIVE

I would say do what's needed for sustainability for at least the next year or two.

With VSC on the horizon (soft launch around end of march early april) while it'll take a bit to get settled in and get going, it could being about many enhanced options to solve this issue further into the long run.

Since we're working on the scale of years I think we can afford to wait a while on a few issues as you say kick the can down the road and hope for some external factor to actually breath some life into HIVE and/or L2 tokens, while also exploring options in more detail.

It might suck to have a reduced APR but when times get tough you just deal with it.

I'm hoping that VSC in essence simply replaced Hive-Engine, I'd hope everyone sees how great it'll be and perform and migrate to it asap.

Them perhaps.. we'll see tokens actually thrive.. Well the ones that are worth a damn anyways.


will you be writing the smart contract for sub tokens?

I personally don't have anything to do with VSC, I'm just planning on running a node from day one and as such keep close tabs on what's going on.

I do plan to look into working with smart contracts and VSC at some point depending on how well the launch goes, if it turns out uptake and smart contract development is sluggish I may just get off my arse and do things myself. Assuming I can wrap my head around it. XD

I also donno about sub tokens. Not heard of it before I assume its basically tokens within tokens. So main token is token A and it can have any number of subtokens associated with it? But honestly why not just make multiple normal tokens? unless there is a specific thing trying to be acomplished, not sure what the goal with sub tokens would be if I'm honest.

Thanks for your feedback, im aware of VSC but not up to date. All this sounds like great news, cant wait to see it impact.

I totally agree with that!