Hi Uwe - It's Sharon from fitinfun - I just got here and when I couldn't figure the place out I decided to look for my old tsuser friends. Luckily some are here like you. I figure that if I follow enough of my tsu friends the fog will clear and I will know what to do soon. Wish me luck and I will look out for your posts.
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Hey Sharon, welcome here! Shout if you have questions
This is how long it took me to realize I had a ton of buried replies! The unseen do not jump to the top.
I'm doing good after 8 days and thrilled with the interaction. I'm all in for 30 days and then I'll see what I have. But so far - I'm very happy.
I think I need to re-post to the fb groups I see you in. I have a lot of fb connections to grab and get over here. This is like tsu though that people have to have content, so I am judicious with that. Cheers, Uwe. So nice to see you again :)