30 solid scientific studies that prove vaccines are linked with autism. http://www.naturalnews.com/055446_vaccines_austim_scientific_studies.html
Vaccines are deadly
8 years ago in #saveyourkids by runaway-slave (50)
30 solid scientific studies that prove vaccines are linked with autism. http://www.naturalnews.com/055446_vaccines_austim_scientific_studies.html
Yeah you have to be careful these days.
Thanks for sharing the article!
I'm much rather autistic than a sick fuck who spreads this sort of bullshit endangering the lives of kids all over the globe. The original vaccine study that supposedly linked vaccines to autism was fake. There is no fucking conspiracy!
'Natural News' is the kind of website you should only be reading if you have a death wish. Stop making them rich with your clicks!
Also, Autism Speaks does not speak for autistic people. Listen to actual autistic people and experts who actually care about the truth and people's wellbeing.
Looks like you have plenty of vaccines. dumb down common core.
Noice...don't cha just luv when they have medical journals & doctors actually proving it?! trOLLS are lurrrrrrrkiiinnnnggggggg