Buying Silver, Litecoin

in #saving7 years ago

This morning I have begun another step in building my little portfolio. I am thinking I will acquire a bit more Silver and a few Litecoin. a1drjohnthumb.JPG

The Silver is on order. Transport requires a few business days. I only hold physical silver.

This time I ordered 1oz silver coins from the Perth Mint in Australia. These coins are .9999 pure silver.

I am also transferring dollars to my cash account at This also requires a few business days. If prices change drastically in that time, I can still change my mind.

I make small purchases for two reasons. My primary reason is I lack a boatload of money. All my life I expected my 'ship' to come in. Every time it was lost at sea. I have no fortune.

The other reason is I try to play it safe. Small regular purchases avoid unnecessary risks. They tell me Big Brother is watching.

For today's beauty, I am providing a photo of an old silver coin. I do not know which of my ancestors saved it. I thank them for thinking of me long before I existed. You see, silver lasts longer than we do. This coin is worth more than my ancestor's remains. You can't take anything with you when you go.

Here is today's beauty.



I agree with you on silver. It is a buy at this price and I think the cheapest commodity you have today.

Nice post jhon

good decision

nice one john. I'm thinking of also acquiring some of these myself.

I liked the line silver lasts longer than we do
Explaining the fact that you can't live forever but your legacies can lol

Nice post sir

I've been hearing about litecoin along side all other cryptocurrencies. The world is really tilting to the direction of cryptocurrency.

We all just need to position ourselves well. Thanks for this piece @doctorjohn

I dont have much indepth knowledge about the silver business, but it is surely a great investment. But why litecoin?

Simply a guess to diversify. I am heavily stocked with Steem.