Effect of Drugs on us.

in #saynotodrugs7 years ago

Drugs came in chanting self praise

(conversation between myself and codeine)

(MO sha pra prah, MO sha pro pro, MO sha proper)
I am the greatest of all

With me ecstacy like no other!

Wawu!!! Wanna feel yourself, try me

Feeling like a king ♔ is my hobby, I make you high than any other

(Still in sense of self appraisal)

Alittle of me is enough to launch you Into the glorious realm

I move you from the ground state to the excited state.

Me : will you shut up? Nothing good has come out of you been excessive, why all this

Codeine : I make you feel alone even at your greatest ecstasy (DEPRESSION)

I made you invoke anger at the slightest sign of peace

I interfere with your hormone and body fluid to cause great havoc when body immunity could have set it (he laughs)
(highly-suspectible to disease)

I open door for other immoral values
(I never work alone)

I as well reduce your pleasure in life (ah ah ah)

I reduced the volume of specific brain region involved in a broad range of executive function

Lol..... I made them loss memory yet my influence is not contained

Me: gerrre out of here joor........... .#AM_ABOVE_INFLUENCE

1000 Man Walk against influence


JUNE 26, 2018.

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