España - 12
Alemania - 11
Francia - 10
Bélgica - 9
Argentina - 8
Perú - 7
Croacia - 6
Polonia - 5
Inglaterra - 4
México - 3
Colombia - 2
Brasil - 1
Número total de goles durante la primera jornada: 44
Número total de goles durante la segunda jornada: 39
Número total de goles durante la tercera jornada: 30
Número total de goles durante el torneo completo: 140
Sorry but I cannot accept your entry. You have way too many countries from pot 1.
You have to pick three countries from each pot. So 3 from pot 1, 3 from pot 3, 3 from pot 3 and finally 3 from pot 4.
To have your entry accepted, you will need to do some changes.
Let me know when you have update your entry.
PS Because you did register in time, you will have 24 hours to change your entry. If not, you will not be allowed to participate!