
You might want to reverse your numbers unless you think Japan will score more goals than Brazil.

We have discussed this and it is explained in the comments :)

It is reversed, @fullcoverbetting knows that :-) Thanks :-)

No Russia? Nice to see that Belgium got a top spot!@cicbar Registered and approved!

Can I cheat? lol
1 Brasil
2 Argentina
3 Belgium
4 Spain
5 England
6 Croatia
7 Denmark
8 Sweden
9 Senegal
10 Serbia
11 Nigeria
12 Russia
169 Goals

You can but it wont be allowed. Too many countries from group 1 😂
If you do want to enter a real entry, please do it as a comment on the main post!

I like more Belgium team :-) I hope everybody is healthy and then you can be positive surprise on World Cup :-)

Me too!
As long as I can enjoy watching the games with the kids it will be okay for me!
You know that sport is the most important meaningless thing in the world 😁

Good for me that is like that because I was pro for more than 15 years :-)

Seriously? Great I guess!
I have played tennis against an ex pro last week, and 2 weeks ago against an ex basket pro. Both were acknowledging that it was difficult to get used to a real job and waking up early :)

I was ex basket pro. Now I am basketball coach so it was easy to get used to new job :-)

How cool is that! So are you following the NBA finals?
Maybe investment in a basket team via SportyCo would suit you :)
Via SPF you can buy some player share from Basketball Club Slovan Ljubljana