Cool contest!
Argentina - 12
Germany - 11
Serbia - 10
Peru - 9
France - 8
England - 7
Mexico - 6
Denmark - 5
Egypt - 4
Costa Rica - 3
Australia - 2
Japan - 1
Number of goals during the regular time of the Worldcup : 131
Total number of goals during the first match day: 19
Total number of goals during the second match day: 25
Total number of goals during the third match day: 22
Total number of goals during the complete tournament: 141
Cheers and looking forward to see how this turns out!
Thanks for participating with the SBC world cup contest. Your entry has been registered and approved. You could end up high, if Serbia gets far in the tournament!
Feel free to drop by during the world cup for some friendly banter!
Good luck with your entry!
Thanks Peter! Excited to see how it goes and I have a good feeling about Serbia... Although I totally forgot about Brazil... woops! Thanks again.