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RE: SBD is not mooning

in #sbd7 years ago

What I do is take the total of SBD, write the equivalent in fiat (for me it's CAD), then divide by the $ fiat value of Steem and it gives me the number of Steem I would be receiving. Meaning if you are converting $20 worth of SBD and Steem is 2.00 then yes, you would receive 10 Steem from it. But you would need to know how many SBD = $20 first.


I took twenty dollars and put it in the SBD column on steem dollar ticker and it came out in US dollars to 33.4988 (I am assuming that was what you were trying to tell me to do) so if I divide what they list as current steem price of 1.79 it comes out to 18.709, if I did that right then that means I can buy 18 steem ? If correct my next question would be where do I go to do that at, I've never exchanged anything before, someone was saying that they take all their SBD and exchange no matter how small the amount so I thought I'd like to try it...that way if I make a mistake my first time out I don't lose that much.

I use Blocktrades. They are a trusted site. You first need an account with an exchange, because Blocktrades only does the trading of the SBD and Steem. If your goal is to convert SBD to Steem ONLY, then use Blocktrades and your own Steemit account. If your goal is to also trade SBD to another crypto, or into fiat, then you need an exchange. Quadriga is a good one.

When you use Blocktrades, create an account, that way if anything goes wrong, they can track your transaction more easily. I always log in to do my stuff.

Dollar Ticker works similarly to CoinMarketCap where they make an average from a bunch of exchanges. Most exchanges have similar prices, and the ones that have no one using them, will pump the price sometimes, which is what happened yesterday.

Blocktrades lists SBD right now as 14.011 Steem.

This post and video are very helpful on how to use Blocktrades. It's a comprehensive tutorial:

Always try sending a small amount first, though keep in mind if trading to BTC, there is such a thing as too small an amount, so you are better trading to LTC if you want to convert to fiat in the end. I trade to LTC, less fees.

Since all you want for now is to trade to Steem, it should actually be even simpler. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes very easy. The first couple of times are a bit tricky. Take your time, review your info, make sure you enter the correct information and cross reference and fact check with other tutorials and such. I'm sharing what I know and how I do it, but the way I am explaining it might not be as comprehensive as someone else explaining it. Be sure you understand the whole process fist in case anything goes wrong. I had to make a few errors before I understood at the beginning, but thankfully blocktrades was very helpful and I never lost any SBD. In short, this is my opinion (disclaimer, not financial advice).

Hope this helps.

Thank you, that video was a good example, while doing it I went back and watched it again. That was the first time I'd done anything with my account since I've been on here and you were right it didn't cost anything to convert SBD to steem.

Yeah ;) Glad it could help. Usually they tell you what the fees are. When I enter my SBD and then put in my receive wallet address and hit the generate thing, it then tells me the total fees for the transaction, so then you can always change the amount and repress the button before putting any info in your Steemit wallet.