Yeah, I fell for it, hook, line and sinker. My husband showed me the HitBTC thing, because I wrote to Blocktrades that I was missing some LTC after trading SBD. I get it now. Frank says that CoinMarketCap should implement a thing where they keep in mind the volume on an exchange for listed prices. If the volume is low, the prices listed bears less weight for the average calculated, whereas on exchanges where the value is much higher, the system would trust that exchange site more for their average calculations. Not sure how they can implement that or if they will, but it makes sense to me that volume should be considered.
This just shows me how much of a noob I technically still am. Frank showed me where to look to see the prices on the different exchanges when I see this happening.
For me, it's not such a big deal. I still need more money but I can wait and I needed to cash that out anyway since I need to pay some bills with it, so it doesn't really change my plans, other than the amount I am receiving at this current time. But for other people who did not NEED that right now, and who could have been hodling a bit longer on their SBD, they're probably more disappointed. I'm actually not disappointed. I was surprised and felt like a noob but I get it. It just sucks since it gives out false information and the it's CoinMarketCap that needs to figure something out for such situations, but I don't know if that's even possible.