It's very possible it will drive up SBD a bit, and in fact, it did yesterday as this has been going on for about 48 hours now. I suspect it will pull SBD a little, but nothing like it is being reported as now. But markets are funny, you never know what might trigger a massive snowball effect.
True, can never really know what these markets are going to do.
I need to set up an internal market alarm that wakes me up for snowballs.
But for now I just bought some steemmonsters, they seem to be going by the coinmarketcap or similar number for sbd, hopefully they are aware of this hitbtc issue
It's very possible it will drive up SBD a bit, and in fact, it did yesterday as this has been going on for about 48 hours now. I suspect it will pull SBD a little, but nothing like it is being reported as now. But markets are funny, you never know what might trigger a massive snowball effect.
True, can never really know what these markets are going to do.
I need to set up an internal market alarm that wakes me up for snowballs.
But for now I just bought some steemmonsters, they seem to be going by the coinmarketcap or similar number for sbd, hopefully they are aware of this hitbtc issue