Sort: disabled it so new users who think they get STEEM at market price don't loose 6/7 of their SBD worth. But once SBD goes down again it will be added in that UI.

Just want to drive down the point that is not steem :)

Just want to drive down the point that is not steem :)


With that in mind, I want to stress that the soft peg I'm thinking about "can also be dynamically calculated taking into account various data points: STEEM price, STEEM supply, SBD supply, etc."

The point is not to have it tied to a single variable, the USD, but put more variables in the equation: STEEM supply, SBD supply, etc. I'm sure there can be a formula that will, at some point, hit a soft spot. I'm ready to do some simulations if there is enough interest.

Can you elaborate what you want to change? Currently there will be printed a certain amount of STEEM and an amount of SBD that is amount of steem printed times steem price (if all whoose 50/50).

That means the dept ratio can be controlled with printing. And in this SBD pump, the network started printing more SBD to combat it. But for a functional peg that is too slow. The peg will hold again at some point. But waiting months to do it is too long.

The idea of having 2 assets coupled by a third one (STEEM and SBD, coupled to USD) is interesting. If SBD would be a "first rang citizen", meaning it would be taken into account for the overall inflation of the system (which I understand it isn't) then interesting scenarios can happen.

One of them is "moving" STEEM into SBD, like burning STEEM and creating SBD. In this case, increased supply of SBD = lower price for SBD and decreased supply of STEEM = higher price for STEEM.

A sweet spot can be found for both directions.

Well that is what they are from the beginning. Just no one thought someone would buy a $1 giftcard for $7 ;) so the downwards pressure is pretty easy.

And SBD are part of the inflation. You can either get inflation paid out in SP or in dept SBD.

or in dept SBD

you mean "debt"?