SBD is crashing like I predicted in my last post. People seem to have lost faith in SBD which is good. Because I will likely be able to buy 3-5SBD for 1 STEEM. Even 14 SBD for 1 STEEM seems possible now.
The internal market volume of people who want to sell STEEM for SBD is decreasing rapidly. I have never seen anthing like it.
If you had 11000 SBD to sell right now (which is a ridiculously low for amount for our entire internal market; sometimes we saw that kind of volume in 20 minutes...) You could push the exchange rate to 14 SBD for 1 STEEM. A single person could do that with 11000 SBD...
This pic basically means no one wants to sell STEEM for SBD anymore and people are dumping their SBD for STEEM at a rapid pace even if the exchange rate is very bad right now...
Here is how I predicted the SBD crash to 1.17$.
By the way I am not talking about an actual prize difference of 14x. But the internal volume is so low, that even if the prize difference is only 2x, 14 SBD per STEEM seems easily possible on the internal market.
Maybe you can imagine now who is selling STEEM between 10x and 30x ;-)
Don't share this post, because I literally want more people panic selling their SBD right now. If you are reading this and want to sell 11000 SBD right now, do it and contact me. I will send you a huge tip...
If you think this to be useful information:
DISCLAIMER: This post / analysis serves general information purposes only. I am not, and never will be a financial adviser. The material in this post does not constitute any trading advice whatsoever. This is just the way I see the charts and what my trading ideas (from my personal experiences) are. I use chart pattern and Elliott Wave analysis for my trading ideas.
For full disclosure: The author of this post is holding positions in this market at the time of this post. Please conduct your own due diligence, if you plan to copy anyones investment decisions!
If you make any trades or investments after reading this post, it is completely in your own responsibility. I am not responsible for any of your losses. By reading this post you acknowledge and accept to never hold me accountable for any of your losses.
Feel free to use and share my charts, but please mention me, @ew-and-patterns as the author. Otherwise it is considered plagiarism and I will flag you and advise my friends to do the same.
Please consider leaving a comment, like or resteem, if this post entertained you or helped you see things differently...
Have a nice day :-)
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I know someone who every day sells quite a lot of SBD for STEEM to power up (me 😀). Plan to keep doing so until SBD gets back to $1....because anything above that is basically irrational😂
It may be irrational, but the market does not care about rational or not. I think you will be stunned when we see new alltime-highs in SBD later this year or early 2019.
Glaubst Du echt noch immer dran :-)?
Klar. Korrekturen nehmen immer 2/3 bis 3/4 der gesamten Zeit ein. Der Impuls braucht nicht viel Zeit.
Ich bin mir sicher das BTC nächstes Jahr wieder richtig steigen wird. Damit auch STEEM und damit auch SBD.
Wusstest du, dass ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt keine SBD mehr erschaffen werden? Dadurch dass die witnesses massenhaft drucken ist die Grenze viel schneller erreicht.
Ab einem bestimmten Verhältnis zwischen STEEM und SBD wird nur noch STEEM ausbezahlt. Was meinst du was dann abgeht ;-)
Das wäre ein toller Artikel darüber über diese Zahlen, wann es nicht mehr SBD gedruckt wird. Vielleicht kannst du das in einem Kommentar Post schreiben oder erklären, klinkt sehr interessant. @ew-and-patterns
Ich hatte glaube ich vor einem Monat oder so einen solchen Artikel resteemed wo es darum ging. Mit den genauen technischen Details kenne ich mich nicht aus, aber es gibt diese Grenze im whitepaper. SBD is ja als Kredit für "1$ worth of steem" konzipiert. Damit die Kreditschulden nicht überhand nehmen können, macht es Sinn ab dieser Grenze nur noch STEEM zu drucken bis das Verhältnis SBD zu STEEM wieder stimmt.
Wenn ich den Artikel nochmal finde poste ich ihn dir.
Danke dir, echt interessant.
I respect your decision to power up while many large accounts are powering down. But I've been with @ew-and-patterns from the very beginning. I'm expecting 2.5-4 STEEM per SBD very soon. Different people have different predictions. Time will tell.
I want to power up too since I believe too much in Steem but as the gap between sbd and steem keeps growing it seems that i lost a good opportunity...It is @xaero1 but the fact that sbd still has so small supply is what keeps pushing its price above the 1 $ mark
I didn't resteem because of your request. I'm feeling pretty sad that I don't have any fiat left for further investments. Maybe I should try begging my parents for few bucks. Pride should not get in the way of future prosperity :-)
I love the fact that people are dumping, I am also selling my Steem for SBD on the market, it would be an epic pump, once the order book is cleared the path to least resistance would be cleared...The attractive feature of SBD is its scarcity, so it would be fun, I want more folks to panic sell and let the pump begin...There are quite a few folks loading on the dips, so they would make an insane pump, expecting some list coming, so look it for that and ride the waves higher
Yeah man, I won't say a word...I have been over on Bitshares DEX buying up SBD at $2.00, and placing buy orders down to $1.25! Ssshhhhhhh. Don't tell.
I placed an order to sell and and it didn’t go through :( and even on Bittrex I’m in big loss
Patience favors the brave, the path to list resistance...Its like the folks panic selling BTC right now
Wow, not bad at all :-) I am too not selling now. Keep it and than good times will come
P.S I knew who you mean, by selling that huge amount :-)
I don't have 11000 sbd but i do.have 200 plus, and i am holding them till death.
Yes! I solved it myself by using the master key to login. It doesn't work with just the posting key. It sucks but now I can send private.
Glad to.know that.
Meep ? :o what does it means? :O
Damn. I have been to fast and resteemed it :-)
Aww.. That is so bad of you how dare you :D
I just to hold my sbd... perhaps one day you can buy 14 steem for one SBD. LOL
I am not an expert but i think a stable sbd (with a price around 1 usd) will make Steem going to the Moon and i think this is what all of us want...
I am not selling my SBD anyway but i think we still need a stable SBD...
I sold SBD when 1SBD was about $14 on bittrex. I missed it at 20 SBD. People were celebrating, they thought it was going to last forever and didn't sell. Oh well...