Nothing changed overnight in BTC, but today and tomorrow is decision time for SBD. It is approaching one of last major resistances.
Will the uptrend line which is currently @ 3.36$ be enough to end the downtrend? I hope so, but I don't thnk it will.
I have a strong bias to see a good drop to 1.4$, because I want to buy a shitton of SBD @ 1.4 $.
You will never in your liftime, find a better buying opportunity than this.
SBD has a guaranteed bottom @ 1$ like no other asset. It can't drop below 1$ for a prolonged time. It's technically impossible by its design.
So if you buy 1.4$ or below, the worst that could happen is that you loose 40%. But you have the potential to have it rise again to the old alltime high of 18.6$ in 2018 or 2019 or any of the following years. The risk reward ratio is insanely good. In fact, I have never seen a better one.
So if you are in it for the long run, like myself, the risk is very very low in my opinion... Do you think that SBD would jump to 18$ and then remain at 1$ for the next 10 years? I doubt it. Just image what that chart would look like.
If you think this to be useful information:
DISCLAIMER: This post / analysis serves general information purposes only. I am not, and never will be a financial adviser. The material in this post does not constitute any trading advice whatsoever. This is just the way I see the charts and what my trading ideas (from my personal experiences) are. I use chart pattern and Elliott Wave analysis for my trading ideas.
For full disclosure: The author of this post is holding positions in this market at the time of this post. Please conduct your own due diligence, if you plan to copy anyones investment decisions!
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Have a nice day :-)
I guess you are right. I want to buy SBD also for that let us wait a little so that It can drop even below but the fact is we should also think about how much it is going to grow. the prediction 18.6 $ its really awesome but I am also looking when it is going to happen
Ich wollte SBD in Steem tauschen und hatte auf bessere Kurse gewartet, nun ist es noch schlechter geworden! 😩 Ich glaube ich warte nun noch weiter...
Ich weiß das ist frustrierend und es kann durchaus noch längere Zeit so bleiben... aber im Nachhinein könnte es sich als großer Fehler raustellen jetzt noch zu so einem schlechten Kurs zu tauschen, wenn man nicht auf die Einnahmen angewiesen ist.
Ich möchte im Moment alles wieder investieren und werde definitiv warten bei dem schlechten Kurs.......... Meine Geduld wird nun also auf die Probe gestellt 😉 Danke für deine Tipps und Infos!
Wer anderen Menschen das Glück verkauft ist der wahre Gewinner.
Totally agree with you,thanks for sharing.
IM IN!!!
That's what she said
There is actually an effort by Steem witnesses to get the SBD pegged to the dollar. This means that what you're saying about a bottom of $1 is true, but the upside is potentially also 0% since the witnesses will keep the SBD at $1.
Yes they are "trying". They don't control the exchanges, which means even if they peg it on the steemit website by allowing to exchange it for 1$ worth of steem, the speculators on the exchanges might not give a f*ck, like they didn't when the first value explosion happened.
Of course there is no guarantee that it will be like that. But I am willing to take the risk.
I am hoping ew can address this. It would suck to buy it and then have them keep it at $1
Thank you 🙏
Thanks for Informations.
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It will be a great buying opportunity. Thanks for the detailed analysis.
I have to agree the time to buy is now
Great information. They say knowledge is power and you sir have given me immense power.
wow thats a great price for sbd!!! ew and patterns thank you
With love,
harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist
But my 2sbd payout today .. so I hope stay up SBD until I get that damn 2 sbd payout.. lol
Things be nuts... Thanks Zuckerberg. I'm going for a few bargains. Nice analysis, thanks.
Thanks for your valuable & informative post.We can take out a lot of information from your post.
@Resteem,follow & upvote has been done.
Thanks for this crypto news update providing.... i appreciate this post....
Thanks information about SBD @ew-ed-patterns
My regret is I used to by LTC with my sbd hoping that LTC will go 1000 to buy back steem. But at the market today such a very bad news.
Are you worried at all about SBD being kept at $1 which is where it is meant to be pegged? A lot of whales want to see it kept at $1.
Thanks for informative post
Schau mer mal - ich bleib auf meinen SBD erstmal sitzen......
A great opportunity lies ahead. Good article.
If SBD goes down to $2 I buy :)
Keeping my fingers crossed
Thanks - useful - I might just follow your lead on this - although do you not think steemit inc will use this low as an opportunity to repeg the SBD? (There was a recent post on the issue - it has a lot of support, probably more with the whole Tether issue!)
yes they will likely try to do that, as they announced that if it drops to 1$ again they would. But they don't have tested the "changes needed for the peg" so they might not be ready when it drops. They said an implementation would at least take 1 month.
Many people bought it yesterday, I did it too
Yes I am also waiting for it to drop and accumulate a lot of it.
beautiful post and thanks And I like it
Great your money nice
Thank you for the excellent article, I hope this fall will some day end.
Da bin ich wirklich gespannt wie es kommt. Ich hoffe nicht dass der SBD wieder sich nähe 1 USD verlagert. Wäre einfach zu Schade.... Ausserdem hoffe ich dass durch die SMT dann auch der SBD ein bisschen davon profitiert.... auch wenn eigentlich der Steem eigentlich das Hauptaugenmerk ist...
If it goes that low, I might end up poring most of my portfolio into this. It's a buy of a lifetime. At the moment SBD is more useful in the ecosystem than STEEM. SMTs could change this but at the moment, all bots accept SBD but only few accept STEEM. You just power up and lease SP with STEEM.
Hearing rumors that the witnesses are trying to peg SBD back to $1 again....? Heard anything like that? I'm in kind of a dilemma...whether to power up using my sbd or just hodl and wait till it booms back up!!
Great analysis as always @ew-and-patterns. I love following your posts, ever since I came across them from @famunger! Thanks for always updating us. I am also a bit biased as I want to buy in low, but I can see SBD hitting lows of around $1.4 too.
Interesting. I just don't see why SBD should ever trade above $1 either. So I am just always expecting it to go to 1 and stay there.
Tether can stay at around 1$, because they can instantly increase or decrease supply. If the demand of Tether is low, they just destroy tokens. That is not possible with SBD, thus no stable peg.
I think sbd is just mis-designed. It has protection to the downside but not the upside. Easy fix would be to allow trasforming steem into sbd with some sort of cost. This would immediatly move price down and keep it close to the peg.
Would also reduce supply of steem if the fee is burned.
Money is a 2nd god.
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