Oh it's very early. By the time people start thinking we need this.... people are already coding it.... and that's probably happening right now.
I fully expect by the end of this year, you should be able to transfer SBD to buy yourself something on the internet quite easily without having to sell for Bitcoin and then buy it.
Bitcoin's network is delayed, saturated, requires you to convert into/out of a centralized exchange from STEEM
People would just rather send SBD to a STEEM USER and have their purchase approved.
STEEM users are not cryptocurrency geeks. They are everyday people. These everyday people don't want to learn how to convert to bitcoin to spend their earnings. Let them use SBD and you've got a huge crowd of buyers.. :)
Just wait for it... it's coming...
I've been in the cryptocurrency world long enough to be very skeptical of promises like "just wait, it's coming".
I want to see real work and real results.
The "we have to wait" has been so useless until now because the market for crypto-currencies was very slow. If you think long term, then you should know that at the slightest problem, one should not fall. If you can no longer wait, then you are no longer an investor, but a speculator.
Just for info: Elon Musk has been more than 15 years old to have a car like the Tesla Model 3. Steemit is only 1 or 2 years old...