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RE: Should SBD Be a Pegged Asset? If So, When Should We Peg It?

in #sbd7 years ago

Let's try not to make unsupported claims about what would have happened in a could of, should of, would of way. We can't possibly know what would make STEEM a top 5 given decisions made 7 months ago. We also don't get very far as a community making direct, personal accusations unless we have direct evidence of malice involved.

Instead, let's try socratic questioning and let people make up their own minds. Is it possible @aggroed's passionate love for this ecosystem and community caused him to miss some important parts of this discussion? Maybe. Is he solely to blame for the price of STEEM (either up or down)? Clearly not.

Let's be nice. We can disagree, even passionately so, but when we throw out unsubstantiated claims as accusations, it just makes people defensive and angry.


I'd say it should go without saying the @aggroed has the ecosystem's best interest at heart and so do you, that should be obvious to everybody!

But in this particular case, I think he is the one making the more sober and realistic analysis.