The reason that SBD aren't stable is because it is traded against BTC.
So at the current rate of 0.00025BTC(approx.) the value is around 2.5$. But as the value of btc increases, even if the SBD:BTC ratio is stable there will be price fluctuations.
One way to solve it will be to only have SBD:USD pair at 1:1 ratio if thats even possible.
SBD shouldn't be liquid. The only way sbd should be used would be to buy 1$ worth of steem with it which will ultimately increase the price of steem.
Leave the value of SBD as it is and take into account the market value of sbd when the post reward is sent. Currently when the post rewards are given out, it assumes SBD to be 1$ even when its not.
Just enjoy the higher price :)
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