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RE: Saving SBD - Proposal to Restore the $1 USD / $1 SBD Peg

in #sbd8 years ago (edited)

If you are a merchant, will you accept a steady $ 1 dollar and save it?

Save long term? No. But I would hang on to it long enough to pay my suppliers and employees, something that can be very risky to do with an unpegged (or poorly-pegged) coin. Long term savings would go into an investment vehicle of some sort, not a cash-equivalent.


스팀달러는 가치가 1달러에고정된 것이 아니라 1달러의 가치가 보장된것이라고 생각합니다.
스팀달러의 가치는 1달러가 아니라 1달러 이상이라고 생각합니다.
나의 영어가 빈약하여 정확한 의미를 전달할수 없음이 안타깝습니다.
논의 기회를 주신것에 감사합니다.

I think the steam dollar is not worth a dollar, but a dollar.
I think the value of a steam dollar is more than a dollar, not a dollar.
It is a pity that my English is poor and can not convey the exact meaning.
Thank you for your opportunity to discuss.