Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of y our own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. 1Timothy 4:16
Once in a while we end up or find ourselves in where we cannot overtly share the reason for our happiness. Teachers very often want to share more about Jesus but become limited. When it happens like this we should know that we can still find ways to sprinkle messages of hope and love by means of encouragement, happiness and grace.
Book recommendations, invitations to places outside the limited circumscribe or just being your lovable self can go a long way to help others in the faith. However, above all, you must stay true to your faith.
A very touching one, as Christians we need to developed in faith in order not to divert from the truth. Nice one.
Actions can affect people's belief in alot of ways, nicely written
Los discipulos le pidieron al Señor, aumenta nuestra confianza y si, esa debe ser nuestra peticion diaria, ante cada situacion que se nos presente en cualquier lugar que estemos. !Aumenta Dios nuestra confianza en ti!!