in #sc-n7 years ago


In 2012, I purchased a book by Tim Lahaye titled Spirit Controlled Temperament. The book have affected my life in awesome measurements. It clarifies our identity; why we act the way we do. All in the light of the sacred texts, it clarifies how we could be better forms of ourselves.

In this article, I will compose with understanding from what I gained from Tim's book upheld with scriptural lessons.

Before we continue, we should read Galatians 5:22-23. I quote beneath;

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control.. "

The above sacred writing discloses to us what epitomizes or the qualities of a Spirit-Filled individual. Regardless of our shortcomings in light of our demeanors as broke down by analysts and other social researchers, we have this affirmation that the minute and individual is loaded with the Holy Spirit, he or she turn into an epitome of

Long suffering
Meekness and
Self- control

As featured in Galatians Chapter 5:22-23.

It is captivating how the Holy Spirit can cause enormous change in a man's life. When you enable yourself to be filled by The Holy soul, regardless of whether you are a hopeful, despairing, peevish or impassive, with every one of the shortcomings, you will convey the quality of these otherworldly attributes called the Fruits of the Spirit. Isn't that great? Obviously, it is!


A soul filled individual will keep up their uniqueness, have their characteristic qualities and shortcomings however they won't be commanded by their normal shortcomings. Glory be!

We should take a gander at brief subtle elements of what it intends to gangs those qualities of the products of the soul.


A Spirit-Filled individual will have love for God and kindred men.


Happiness is one if the cardinal Christian excellencies. A soul filled individual has persevering Joy that rises from the Grace of God and not by minor circumstances. This bliss isn't constrained by conditions.


I recollect the sacred writings that discussions about Peace that passes all understanding. That is the sort of peace we are discussing here. The sort of peace that Christ gives. - The Peace of God.

The tranquility of God is the antitoxin to stress. It makes you untroubled notwithstanding troublesome conditions. You require this peace my companion.


While examining the organic products if the Spirit, numerous regularly intentionally abstain from discussing lenient. Perhaps in light of absence of comprehension of what tolerant means.

May I state it here that as long as we are on planet earth, we are not free from inconvenience, infection and other social indecencies in our surroundings. Yet, the Spirit-Filled individual has God offered capacity to persist and survive what may end the lives of others.

You can languish censure and torment over the purpose of Christ without dismissing your motivation and objective on earth.

A tolerant individual can deal with modest, overlooked and troublesome undertakings that life may request without griping or fuming. He does it thoughtfully.


Delicacy is viewed as kindness, an attentive, charitable, amiable demonstration of living. You won't effortlessly feel pressurized into a rushing and clamoring sort of life.


Somebody once said that we moderns are so egotistical by nature. I can't concur any less. We should be helped by the word to remember God to demonstrate our fellowman some integrity.

When you are a soul filled individual, you will be more keen on doing great. All other regular personalities are inclined to self-centeredness and rude. We require the Holy soul quality of goodness.


Having confidence is the way to numerous other effortlessness of Christian living. For instance, on the off chance that we have the confidence that God will supply every one of our needs, our confidence will nature peace and bliss and so forth.

Is it true that you are a man of confidence or a man of dread?

One wellspring of confidence is The Word of God. Romans 10 verse 17 expresses that, Faith stops by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.


The normal individual is glad, self-important, pretentious and egotistical. In any case, when the Holy soul fills your heart, you will end up modest, gentle, meek, and agreeable. Jesus said "I am resigned and modest in heart" - Matt. 11:29.

May the Holy soul indwell us with Jesus sort of resignation.


We as a whole need poise. Our regular slant is to take after the easiest course of action and to fall for what ever our hearts look for with upheavals of feelings, for example, outrage, seethe, dread, desire, and other passionate overabundances of any sort.

With a soul filled heart, we will be reliable in an all around carried on way, tried and true and very much arranged.

My supplication for every one of my companions is that we might be filled by the Holy Spirit and that our lives be controlled and coordinated by the Spirit of God unto all integrity.

So be it!

Much obliged to YOU FOR READING!!