A brief summary of SteemChurch Telos expansion is about establishing ourselves on a new platform capable of facilitating trade, banking, commerce and logistics - opening up many more opportunities than mere social media and blogging.
Telos is one of the most advanced blockchains on the planet. Blazingly fast and highly scalable. Built from the same blockchain architecture as EOS, Telos can do everything that EOS can do. At the moment however Telos is relatively unknown and resources are cheap. Meaning we are establishing ourselves here at an ideal time. The current EOS market cap $3 billion, whilst the current Telos market cap $20 million - so there appears to be plenty of growth potential for early investors.
The SteemChurch has been able to secure Telos Worker Proposal Funding of 15,000 TLOS per month. Each new month must be approved, however assuming funding continues, we will be aiming to onboard 450 new parishioners to Telos every month, for 6 months.
All SteemChurch members joining us for the expansion will be granted:
Benefit of joining Telos
A new custom SteemChurch Telos account (ending in .jc)
10 TLOS gift.
0.1 ACORN gift.
10 kilobytes of RAM.
8 TLOS CPU delegation.
1 TLOS NET delegation.
We are pleased to advise that your account has now been created.
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design by bro @abiye
Thanks a million for spreading the word @farms I've been looking forward to do a post but I'm still gathering the knowleges in the making really, telos.