Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born you were sanctified, I gave you a prophet to the nations. And I said: Ah! Ah, Lord Jehovah! The thing is, I do not know how to talk, because I'm a child. And Jehovah said to me: Do not say: I am a child; because you will go to everything that he sends you, and you will say everything he sends you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord. " (Jeremiah 1: 4-8)

As insignificant as you think you are, for more weaknesses and errors that you concentrate on, you must be aware that God wants you to be an instrument of blessing. He wants you to fulfill the mission that he has placed in your heart. He wants you to approach souls through what you do and let him know that he exists, that he is real and that he wants to save them.
Moses made excuses before God when he received the call. He put his stuttering as a limitation to be used. The prophet Jeremiah said it was a boy, Gideon put several signs to confirm and be sure that it was God who commissioned it. Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh. But we must know that things are not our way and that when God sets his sights on us it is because he wants us to be a blessing to others. We see it in the life of Jeremiah, he was such a wonderful instrument in his time. He had to feel fear many times, but the power of God in his life was greater. God was glorified through his weaknesses. There were many times when he cried, but he did not give up doing what he had been chosen and called for. In chapter 20: 7 of his book he says: "You seduced me, O LORD, and I was seduced; you were stronger than me, and you conquered me. " This explains how Jeremiah submitted his will and wishes to the Lord. As his life was broken and as a vessel in the hand of the Potter, a new vessel was made.
It is time that you understand that God wants you to be an agent of change. May you be the one who puts peace where there is quarrel. The one who consoles where there is pain. It is to impart joy and humor, when life gives ironic blows. God wants you to be the light in the midst of darkness. The eyes of those who do not see, the voice of those who can not speak or are helpless and the ears of those who can not hear. What are you waiting to trigger? What excuses are you putting? Under what premise do you justify yourself? Is it that you have not been able to understand the magnitude of what God wants to do in you? It does not matter if it is little or much; If the task is big or seems small. God does not esteem things the way we humans look at them. God observes attitude and obedience; the passion and the delivery Devotion and disposition
This is not about ages, who is cuter or uglier. It also has nothing to do with being a person that moves large masses and has great or no influence. It is about accepting the call and putting hands to work. Something that is used is taken advantage of. God wants to destine you to be a militant of his kingdom. Stop fighting with your insecurities and fears. Believe and walk in the freedom and certainty that God has given you. Live as the son of God that you are. Do not go mourning or downcast by the oppression of the enemy. Do not let your soul be disturbed, do not be intimidated. Live the dream that God has for you. Abraham left his comfort, believed God and received the promise that God gave him. Jacob lived the dream of God in his life and experienced the glory of God majestic and supreme. Be the pencil and let God write the pages that fill the book of your life.
Do not try to do it alone because there will be many blots on paper, but if you let God write each letter, everything will be fine.
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