"The same happens with my word. I send it and it always produces fruit; will achieve everything that I want,
and prosper in all the places where I send it. "Isaiah 55:11 (NLT)
For every occasion of life there is a Word of GOD that is real. And this DOES NOT change. When I met GOD and the burden of my sins overwhelmed me, I discovered that the Word said that His Son Jesus Christ paid the punishment I deserved. In order to give me a new beginning without guilt (Isaiah 53: 4-5, 1 Peter 1: 3-5, Hebrews 10:22).

After being saved my body and my mind were still affected by my old way of living, however I refused to accept it. The Almighty by means of His Holy Spirit and the Word made me alive. Despite having diagnoses against the Word he eventually did his miracle on me. He took away the flames that burned in my body and brought life to my dry bones (Isaiah 43: 2-5, Ezekiel 37). The LORD restored me and helped me to have a totally normal health.
As I progressed in the Christian life, the Holy Spirit confronted me with sins that were difficult for me to leave. Sins that reminded me of my old life and brought shame on me. But I believed with all my heart that the Lord Jesus Christ had given me the gift of walking only in new life and that old things had happened (Romans 6: 4, 2 Corinthians 5:17). And so the LORD removed from me the weight that would not let me fly freely. And this gift is for everyone who wants to believe that Jesus Christ has made him truly free (John 8:36).
When the enemy rose up against me trying to take away what GOD had for me, I believed that Jesus Christ had defeated him on the Cross and that he had no authority over me, and in doing so the Almighty was reprimanding him for me (Zechariah 3: 2).
When I advanced in obedience to the LORD in ways that were uncertain to me, He sustained me, and blessed me for it. For He in His Word wrote that everyone who follows Him will be blessed (Psalm 128: 1-4, Psalm 25: 3). The LORD can open a way where there are none, and thus in a timely manner sustain those who have trusted in Him.
The Word of GOD is always real, the Word is GOD itself, the Word is the power that created all things. Believe with all your heart the Word you need and it will become a reality in your life.
The word of God will never return empty that is a promise that is fulfilled today and tomorrow. Thank you for remembering this hopeful promise @christibri.