in #sc-v5 years ago

God in His magnificent mercy has endowed us with talents, which He has had well to put them in our lives so that with them we may honor His Name.


The downside is that many times we have been endowed with talents which we are not using as God wants us to use them or many times we do not allow those talents that God has put into our lives to develop.
The enemy is very clever and as you know the potential you have, try to put many obstacles so that you can not develop the talents that God has deposited in your life.
For that reason we need to make you understand that God commands us to develop those talents to the fullest, to realize that we are a complete dynamite in the hands of our Creator and not hide more what God has given you. This theme is dedicated to all those who at the time determined they doubted what God could do in their lives because they thought they were people without talent.


The word Talent can refer to:

  1. Greek coin commonly used in antiquity.
  2. The potential that a person can have in the development of a set of skills or competencies.
  3. Intelligent person or apt for certain occupation.

In this hour we will refer to the Talent regarding the Potential. The «Talent» can really be considered as a potential. It is in the sense that a person has a number of characteristics or skills that may or may not develop, or deploy at a greater or lesser pace depending on various variables that may be found in their performance.


We definitely can not doubt for a second that each of us has talents given by God. All but absolutely all of us have been endowed with special talents by the grace of God. He who believes that he has no talent is wrong.
We have all been called with a purpose, together we form the body of Christ and as a whole body each one of us is an important part developing a certain function.
Today there are many young people who care more about being dressed well or fashion and forget to develop the talents that God has deposited in their lives. You have to understand that if God has deposited something in your life, you have to develop it, you have to use it and not hide it.
What would happen if God in person came to supervise how we are developing our talents? Would not you worry about developing it? Of course!!!. So what do you expect to start using it for Glory of God?
Many pretexts put an endless number of things for which you do not feel able to develop in a certain area, since the enemy of our souls has mined their minds.

There are a number of excuses that are irrelevant for which many today have buried their talents. How many young people at any given moment were used in some area and now they are passive doing nothing to develop their talents? How many at a certain moment cried out to God to give them "x" talent and then that God answered them they forget to do it? for him?

  1. "I'm sorry": One of the most common excuses is these, the question is: Did it grieve Jesus to die for you ?, The Bible says that if someone is ashamed of Jesus, He will also be ashamed of the.
  2. "I can not do it": Many make excuses that they can not develop a certain area. I tell you at this time that if God calls you, God qualifies you and if God enables you, then God will support you. A well-known verse is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Me."
  3. "God has not given me any talent": No doubt this excuse is not valid because God has deposited in ALL of us different talents. Everything is to know how to wait on God and ask for wisdom to enlighten you and realize what your talent is.
  4. "It is that others do it better than me": One thing you have to understand, maybe others can do better, but God CHOSEN YOU, the Bible says in Romans 9:16 "So it does not depend on who He wants neither the one who runs, but God who has mercy. "
  5. Others, such as: «my family does not support me», «they do not give me permission», «work demands a lot of time», «in my congregation they do not support me», «nobody believes in me», etc. All this is nothing but tricks of the enemy who does not want you to develop in the service of God.


• Never hide your talent.
• Do not underestimate the talent that God has deposited in your life.
• Maintain a temperance regarding your talent, that is to say that you do not use it only for periods but that you glorify God constantly with it.
• To use it to glorify God and not for worldly purposes.
• Do not believe more or have no greater concept of yourself than you should have, lest by vainglory, God humiliate you. Always remember to give the glory to whom I deposit in your life those beautiful qualities.

We believe that God has deposited many talents in the midst of all his people, but it is our responsibility to develop them for the blessing of his People and for his Glory.
We have always believed that young people have tremendous potential to carry out the work that God has entrusted to us. He will give you the means so that those talents you have developed can lead you to raise up the Name of JESUS.


@clicket, be a person with many talents or few, the important thing is that you put them to work and take them out as much as possible.
Thanks for sharing.