"But while they kept Pedro in jail, the church prayed constantly and fervently to God for him."
Acts 12: 5

ACTS 12: 5-16 tells one of the most beautiful and miraculous stories that can fan our faith in difficult times and show us that truly the prayer we make is powerful and heard by God.
There are people who think that God does not listen to our prayers or just do not believe half of what they say and pray. But a powerful Church is a Church that recognizes and maintains prayer without ceasing.
There was Pedro facing a difficult moment. Imprisoned for just preaching the name of Christ. If he had learned something after denying Jesus Christ 3 times, it was that he would never deny it again, so it would cost him his life. He had experienced in his life the power of the cross through Jesus Christ and wanted others to also know about that Savior.
An important detail to point out is that there was a united Church with a definite purpose and not only that, but it was perseverant and fervently cried out. A victorious Church is a Church united with a single thought and an end. The purpose that united the brothers at this moment was to cry out for Pedro since they were going to prosecute him and would surely seek his death. It was necessary for God to intervene because Peter still had not completed his mission.
But hallelujah our God, that just at the moment we least imagine work. He performed a miracle, sent an angel to rescue Peter from prison. The chains fell, the guards did not see him and he could pass without anyone seeing him. And when he got to where the brothers were surprised they received, God had answered his prayer. Peter was safe and he was witnessing to them what God had done.
Beloved brother, never underestimate the power of your prayer or your intercession. God wants us to speak to him, to communicate with him, to captivate his presence. I am witnessing the power of God I have experienced in my life and in the lives of many. Prayer can do things in the spiritual realm that no one else can do. Pray with faith, with devotion, do not ask only for yourself and yours, ask for those you do not know but who also need an intervention from God. Because the moment you less imagine you will see your most desired and appreciated prayer answered.
Then you will be surprised as Rode, you will laugh and sing. And you will be able to testify that those who place their trust in the God of heaven will not be ashamed.
The Church of Christ can not lose the vision that she is on earth to
give and not receive, we must satisfy the needs
spiritual experiences of the people and also help them as much as possible in their
Material needs. What power is there in prayer! What power there is when a people get up; When a church gets up to pray without ceasing to God for those who are in need they will be amazed.
I believe that as a church we have to rise up as a mighty giant, in the authority that the Lord has given us, in the power of the Spirit and take the weapons that are powerful in God to destroy every haughtiness, argument, every thought that arises against of the will of God and with that authority take him captive to obedience to Christ.
If there is a Man to pray, then there is a God to answer. There is power in prayer but we should not forget that man propose but God dispose. Only his will be done
Peter wasn't freed because the church prayed for him.
Nor was James killed because the church didn't pray for him.
We should pray for other people but what God does is still up to Him. I and my whole church prayed for my wife's health but she still died.
When we pray to God great things happen, if we want victories, we must have prayer