King James Version (NIV)
18 If in my heart I had looked at iniquity, The Lord would not have heard me.

We want God to touch us, wrap us and take us to heavenly places, but often we are not willing to get rid of the sin that he has revealed to us.
We demand that he fulfill our wishes when we have not even fulfilled the necessary requirements to receive what we ask for.
Hebrews 12: 1
King James Version (NIV)
Eyes on Jesus
12 Therefore, we also, having around our great cloud of witnesses, let us take off all the weight and the sin that beset us, and we patiently run the race that lies ahead.
What hinders us when we come to the presence of God, when we approach his throne carelessly?
Our sin.
We have to ask God to forgive us and to cleanse us from all evil in our heart, mind and will.