Your attitude of thanksgiving in your prayer life has great benefits for your life:
"6 Be anxious for nothing, but let your requests be made known to God in all prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. "Philippians 4: 6

We mistakenly think that if we can not do anything with something, we should get anxious, because that way we show that we care. You let your son out, you call him and he does not answer, and you get anxious because you think that being calm in a situation like that makes you irresponsible; But, without realizing it, you are taking God out of the equation. The Bible says that the peace of God surpasses all understanding, because you yourself do not understand how you can be so calm with what is happening; But, when you are grateful, you learn to depend so much on God, no matter what happens, you remain in peace.
"41 ... And Jesus, lifting his eyes on high, said: Father, thank you I give you for having heard me. 42 I knew you always hear me; but I said it because of the crowd that is around, so that they may believe that you have sent me. "John 11: 41b-42
Those who were worried, were those around. Jesus had declared: That disease is not for death; So he ties Lazarus to that word, but Lazarus dies. And Jesus is moved, not by the death of Lazarus, but by the unbelief of those around; He was calm; He knew that God always listens to him. How can you have that security to the point of giving thanks, while Lazarus is dead? Thanksgiving takes away your fear of your circumstances, and tells you that this is not your end. When you remove anxiety, worry, and fear from your mind, you prepare for the true miracle.
Learn to be calm, even when things get worse. Your thanksgiving eliminates fear, fear, anxiety; It reminds you that God did it yesterday, and if He did it yesterday, He will do it today; The peace that surpasses all understanding comes to your life, you do not fall in the worry that others fall, you live in another mental level; You take authority over your thoughts, and what moves and moves the world, does not move you.
It prepares you for something bigger. That is, when you are grateful - not when you are grateful. What is the difference? Luke 17 says that Jesus commanded ten lepers where the priest; On the way, the ten were healed, but only one comes back and gives thanks. To that, Jesus says: Your faith has saved you. The English version says: You have been made whole. "You have been made complete." This implies the total restoration of what was lost. This same expression Jesus says to the woman who touches the edge of the mantle of the Master and was healed. When she dares to discover to everyone what her past condition was and that her faith had healed her, Jesus tells her: Your faith has saved you. The first faith, made her healthy; The second, save. Because there are those who receive the miracle in secret, but there are those who dare to discover their faith in front of everyone and declare what God has done in their lives. The ten lepers received healing, but only one received salvation, not for being grateful, but for being so; Probably everyone was, but only one was.
Many are grateful to God, but they are not grateful. They do not tithe, they do not offer, they do not go to church, they do not pray. There are those who are grateful for these messages, but they are not grateful. Your children say they are grateful, but they need to be; Because being saved your heart, but be it prepares you for something bigger. There is no such thing as being grateful, without actions that show it; And that's where many fail. In the same way that a person cares to feel responsible, there are those who say they are grateful to calm their minds and not feel guilty; But it is not about being, but about being.
The ten lepers asked to be healthy, but one was saved without asking. The you being grateful asks for you, demands for you, opens doors in your life that for others do not open. With your thanksgiving, you sow in the spiritual world. And, when you go to pray, you have to be sure that your seed is well planted. Anyone can receive blessing by reading this message; But you do not know what God has in store for you - and it is not the same - if today you take a mental, physical and spiritual attitude of gratitude, and say: Lord, what do you have for my life? It's totally different; Without asking, something God has to have reserved for your life in a special way.
Many want lives of effective prayers and think that they are lives of mile-long prayers; But your attitude shows more than your words. The you separate daily time for this reading, it tells God so much that, without asking anything, He has something reserved for you. Neither the woman with the blood flow nor the leper asked for an extra miracle; They received it for their thanksgiving, for recognizing, for being grateful.
It happens to be grateful to be grateful. That your actions truly demonstrate your gratitude. Act without asking for anything in return; Let your thanks ask for you; And, when your thank-you action asks for you, ask for better than you can ask for.
You go before God asking for something, but the extra you reach with your attitude.

cute message dear apostle @darlenys01, something that every Christian should have is to be grateful to God in everything that is good or bad
Thank you for the great message
thanks for the good message @darlenys01, in each situation we should be grateful.