and I in him, this one bears much fruit; because separated from me
you can do nothing. "
(The Bible, Saint John 15: 5)
Many times we are so angry with God, because we think we are so short of blessings, that we end up adopting the
belief of "I can only".You can have the best intentions in the world: but, for some reason it is said that "The road to hell is planted, also, with good intentions".
If you accept that there is a Divine Power that guides and predestines you, that you can do nothing without His Will, you will notice that your life will begin to be illuminated by this Higher Power, which goes beyond your own insignificant power of individual thought. It is the Power of God over his own mind and in all its events.
If you think of God as the first slogan, your mind - in addition - will produce constructive thoughts, which will not only be loaded with positivism; but also of FAITH. If your mind locates God, above all its things, it will be acting in its life with Spiritual Power.
Always keep in mind that "God and You are a multitude". That if for a thousandth of a second it moves away from the Divine Power of Our Supreme Father, your mind will begin to be impregnated with dark thoughts.
This is the loneliness of the soul, reflected in his mind, which sabotages; a war that the Ego will be waging to achieve the purpose of That you believe that God abandons you Many people may find themselves far from believing that the gray realities of their lives can be tinged with vivid and intense colors. To change your life, is to make the unshakable promise to yourself and give yourself the opportunity to check on your own, the wonderful power of transformation of the hand of God.
Spirituality is the language between God and man. It is the conscious need of our soul to connect with our breath of life, the Spirit, who gives us inspiration and guides us on the path to Truth and Good.
Spirituality holds the key to enter the thresholds of the divine. This key is the power of prayer and meditation.
Faith and Prayer are the absolute source of power. The act of praying, and having the belief that God will solve every situation adverse, will produce tangible miracles in your life.
The Bible, in Jeremiah 33: 3, tells us: "Cry out to me, and I will answer you, and I will teach you great and hidden things that you do not know". Now, it is important that you recognize that you are intimately connected with your inner essence.
Through prayer and meditation, you will find meaning, you will recover your hope, you will feel relieved and safe.
It is important that, at some time during the day, practice silence to achieve the elevation of your energies and allow yourself to be in a contemplative and quiet state.In the act of experiencing silence, the answers that you ask or that you need begin to appear. In the practice of silence and meditation, you enter the path of your own inner wisdom. This is where God speaks to you, through the Spirit.
Once, a man had misplaced, in his own office, a fine and expensive old watch bequeathed by his grandfather. After having it searched, corner by corner of the office, gave up the search.
His little son came to visit his father and, seeing him saddened by the loss of this gift from his grandfather's heart, he asked permission to look for him himself. His father agreed. The little boy asked his father to leave him alone in the office and close the door.
This is what his father did.
The boy turned off the office light and stood still in the silence. Soon after, the boy opened the door holding in his
Right hand the old clock.
Surprised and very excited about the reunion with his watch, the father asked his son:
- How did you do to find it?
The boy smiled and said: - Silently, with the light off, I just concentrated on the ticking of the clock and when I heard it, I was guided until the sound was getting louder. That's how I came to your watch, Sometimes, you can pretend to find answers to your life situations and, the made to look for them, is to make more noise so as not to listen to God who knows how to guide him, without you having to see.God requires an ideal space to give you his "pearls of wisdom".
After making your prayers, dedicate a time of silence to God so that he can express himself.
There is a very different perception of situations when you practice prayer and meditation. With prayer, you ask God. With meditation, you allow God to express yourself.When you have adverse situations, pray and meditate. When you feel very happy and encouraged, pray and meditate.Do it for all the days of your life. And above all, be grateful.
Personally, I think that giving "thanks to God" is in itself the most powerful prayer.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Why am I angry with God?
- Am I aware that there is a purpose that God has for me?
- Do I accept that things do not go as I wish, but that God is taking me by his ways?
- What does God want from me?
- Do I take time to meditate?
- Do I believe in prayer?
- Do I confuse "Religiosity" with "Spirituality?
- Do I believe that I have the power or is there a superior force that commands my life, willing or unwilling to accept it?
- I usually do not talk about God with people?
- Do I thank God for everything that happens to me?
Recommended Bible passages
Psalm 127
Isaiah 45:22
Saint John 15: 4,5
Philippians 4:13
In consecuense:
The Transformational Statement is:
"God has the power over me and I accept his Divine and Perfect Will."
Jesus tells them: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman" (v.1).
The Lord in the Old Testament uses this simile to refer to his people Israel (Psalm 80: 8, Isaiah 5: 1-7, Jeremiah 2:21), who gave him wild grapes.
But now, at the end of time, the God and Father has grafted us to the Gentiles in the "True Vine" that is His Son Jesus Christ, through faith. There is no other "true vine" that can give the pleasing fruits to the Father, nor is there another laborer who knows the proper care of that vine and its branches than the Father himself.
Jesus says: "Separated from Me, you can do nothing." And yet, it is as if man always strives to make everything separate from Christ. The word that the Greek uses is "dinamai", that in addition to means "power", also means: to be able, to have strength, capacity, faculty. Therefore, without Christ, man is not capable, nor has the strength or capacity to bear fruit by himself. What man can do for himself are works of the flesh: "adultery, fornication, uncleanness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, anger, strife, dissension, murder, drunkenness, etc." (Galatians 5: 19). Let's not forget that the Word of God tells us:
"The designs of the flesh are enmity against God, because they are not subject to the law of God, neither can they ... and those who live according to the flesh can not please God" (Romans 8: 7-8).
Jesus makes a serious warning to his disciples: "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit will take it away." This is the work of the farmer, when he sees in the vine branches that do not bear fruit, he breaks them off from the vine so that they do not interfere with the other branches that do bear fruit. But even these branches that bear fruit are cleansed so that the fruit is more abundant and better. The Lord Jesus tells his disciples that His Word is the instrument to clean daily the branches that are attached to that vine and bear fruit.
However, the believer knows by his own life, that all the fruit that is given in him comes from that "true vine", which is Christ; and through Christ and in Christ the fruits of the Spirit are given in him: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance" (Galatians 5: 22-23).
No one can bear these fruits by himself if he is not Christ in him; it would be as absurd as if the branch wanted to produce grapes without being attached to the vine.
The risk of not abiding in Christ is chilling. Just as the sterile branch is cut off from the vine, and once it is dried up, it is gathered to be burned, so it will happen to everyone who does not remain united to Christ through sincere faith.
we need to God everytime everyday, God is our way and eternal salvation.
God bless you.