This is the second place in the Bible where we see the principle of intercession. On several occasions, Moses interceded for the people, but from this particular scripture, a controversy arises: Can we change the mind to God? Who are we to change the mind to God? God did not take the people to kill them in the desert; The people were going to die because of their bad decisions. God was looking for someone who was an excuse for not to unleash the negative consequences of bad decisions. It is not that God repented; He was seeing that the people were on their way to death, saw the wrath that would come against them. When Moses wrote the Old Testament, he sees God in such a personal way that he uses words as we think, but it is not that God repented. When you have mercy with your children, for example, you see the actions they took, you see where they take them, but you get in and say: This is what should happen to you, but I'm going to get in the way to avoid you Pass what should happen to you. Because, many times, not even God can free you from the consequences of your bad decisions; God frees you from sin and guilt, but unfortunately there are many consequences of your bad decisions, which you have to pay for them.
Then, you get angry with God because you do not want to pay the consequences of your bad decisions; When someone intercedes what he avoids is that the consequences that are supposed to reach you, reach you; Someone gets in the way, and says: I take them, I pay them, I charge them; I take that load, I charge with them. When Moses intercedes, God says: Because of Moses, because there is a man, this will not happen. And all God needs is one. The Bible says, in Genesis 6, that the earth was full of curse, of trouble, but Noah found grace before God. As a man found grace, God gave opportunity, through that man, whoever believed, be saved; He who did not believe was not saved. But God gave opportunity, because of one.
That is why your country has hope, because what is needed is one. That's why your family has hope, because what you need is one; One that believes, that stands firm, one that intercedes, that prays, one that declares that it is not the end of your family. You have to believe that, because you serve God, everything will be different.
Abraham frees Lot of five kings; When he gets into Sodom, God sends angels to tell him, but even so, Lot does not want to understand. With everything and that, God gives you a way out. And God is always going to give your family a way out; As long as you stay in the gap, God will always give your family a way out. Unfortunately, not everyone accepts the ransom, but God is going to keep his word with you. You have to learn to pray, to intercede. There are relatives of yours who do not understand that most of the blessings they have is because you are alive, and that lots of things do not happen to you because of God's promise about your life. Spiritually, your coverage of your family is so great, that there are a lot of blessings that they enjoy solely and exclusively because they are close to you. When they go out and believe that it is for themselves, there comes the problem; And with everything and that, they are freed from lots of things because of you.
While Moses was there, the town would be safe. He stood in the middle, and God said: This does not come, I'm going to get in the middle; It is not going to happen to him what is supposed to happen to him.
In the New Testament, we see Jesus interceding for his disciples, in John 17 - for example - in one of the longest prayers. Jesus prayed that they would be one, prayed for his care; What he did was to intercede with the Father so that, since he was one with the Father, they also were one. From the cross, Jesus interceded when he said: Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing; That God did not put on them, that did not come on them the consequence that should reach them because of what they had done. Those people, when they killed Jesus, said: His blood falls on us. Those are big words. And Jesus said: Lord, do not listen to them; Do not give them everything they deserve for what they have done to me; I ask you to forgive them. Jesus stood in the gap.
When we look, the greatest work of Jesus in the Bible is to intercede for us.

God bless you and bless your ministry.Excellent meditation @darlenys01, the Bible says that your word will never return empty, I firmly believe this word, because definitely this meditation is a spiritual motivation to help us move forward and review our actions with responsibility before God and life.
🖕That’s the summary of it all! We are responsible for the ugly situation that we find ourselves in.
On the occasion of pruning; God doesn’t prune us with evil that leads to destruction, he prune us so that we can bear more fruits, which the scripture calls the trying of our faith.
I love this exposition @darlenys01
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you are right apostol @darlenys01 ... sometimes we make the mistake of blaming God many times for what happens to us, but we rarely meditate that it is our bad decisions that cause the consequences to be unleashed.
@darlenys01 I rally myself around the best, learn from the best, get interested in the secret behind the motivating factors that triggers passion of those that give their best to get the best from LIFE. I must commend the ever good and getting better pills kinda post i enjoy when i visit this blog they are of sure medicine to my warming heart. God bless the work of your hands
Very good reflection @darlenys01. Every decision brings a consequence, be it good or bad. First of all, the most valuable thing is to trust in God and make a difference, because I think it is the most important thing, the one that has God has everything.