When you see yourself in the mirror, what do you see? When you know the portrait of Jesus through the Gospels, you are transformed into the image of Christ, your photography changes.
Let's see Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew. For some of unknown author, this book was written by a Jewish-Christian man, between 50 and 70 AD. C., in epoch of the Roman empire, during the time of the destruction of the tempo. Directed to a Jewish-Christian community that already believed in the messianic ministry of Christ, it presents Jesus as the promised Messiah for the Jews, the Savior, the greatest of the prophets. It also presents Jesus with the new law, inspiring people to be faithful to the New Covenant.
It was written to inspire the Jews of that time. Even though Jesus had already died and risen, we must write this to inspire those people to continue believing. If you put yourself in the position of those people, would you need to believe? If it is difficult for you to believe today, when everything is written, imagine at that moment if there was no need for you to be inspired. It is written, moreover, to present Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior or the King. Israel had an expectation of a King, of a Savior; and, at a given moment, the people needed to be inspired to believe that he was the Messiah and the promised King.
Matthew begins by saying: Book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham. And it continues until verse 16, giving us his genealogy, but through Joseph, his father. This establishes that his offspring were of a king, King David. And we could argue that Jesus was not Joseph's son, but he was a natural son, on earth, of Joseph. Joseph adopted Jesus. One of the things that established the culture is that, when you were adopted, you had the same rights as a child. Is not it the same thing that happened to us? The Father says that, if we believe in his name, we receive a spirit of adoption as children of God. When you are adopted, you can say that you are a child of God; and, if son, joint-heir with Christ. Then, you have rights acquired by adoption. And that's what happened in the case of Christ.
Therefore, Matthew presents you a king, with the lineage of a king, because he had received the adoption of a father. That is why the reign of Jesus is by faith; David's was a reign that still lingers in the hearts of the Jews, and Abraham is known as the father of faith, so now he was a descendant of David and Abraham; the kingdom was different because it was one that had to be believed. That's why it gave people jobs to believe it; the mistake of those people was not being able to see Jesus as a king. This is written so that what was written in 2 Samuel was fulfilled:
"12 And when your days are fulfilled, and you sleep with your fathers, I will raise up after you one of your lineage, which shall proceed out of your bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He will build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be his father, and he will be my son. And if he does wrong, I will punish him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of men; "2 Samuel 7: 12-14
We would think he was talking about Solomon, and if Solomon builds, but here he is referring to Jesus. He did not do evil, but he threw all ours so that then it was punished by scourge of son of man, and the word is then fulfilled that of the lineage of David comes out that man called Jesus, who is presented to us in the book of Matthew as a king.
"2 saying: Where is the king of the Jews, who is born? For we have seen his star in the east, and we come to worship him. "Matthew 2: 2
These are the wise kings. The pastors worshiped the child; the kings, when they present themselves to Jesus, saw him as king. They come with presents because, when you go in the presence of a king, you do not arrive with empty hands; they were kings recognizing that a king was born. This is how Matthew describes Jesus. Israel needed a king, and a king was what was born. Did you need a king? For a king died and rose again for you, and what you have to do is keep believing.
Even today, many times, we have to convince ourselves that Jesus is King. In Matthew, we see him speak and act as King; we see him as King, teaching and preaching.
"23 And Jesus went through all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every disease among the people." Matthew 4:23
Constantly, the term kingdom is used. From chapter 8-9, we see the king performing miracles.
"35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every disease in the people." Matthew 9:35
The King can heal all sickness and disease in the village, so you can be healed by the King. If we think about what we believe is a king, we can not register a king healing; but Jesus taught the kingdom of heaven completely different from the usual. Therefore, they could not see it; they made the mistake of not recognizing it.
From Matthew 10, on, we see how he delegates authority.
"Then he called his twelve disciples, gave them authority over the unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every disease." Matthew 10: 1
We see the King teaching and preaching, healing, and now he is delegating to his disciples that same authority that was given to him. The Word presents Jesus as King, teaching, healing, with authority, with the idea that you look as in a mirror, and be transformed into the same image, as by the Spirit of the Lord. And, for this, you need to recognize him as your King.

There is nothing more beautiful than surrendering to the father in worship, beautiful publication helps us to remember every day that we cannot lose our relationship with God...
Amen, only recognizing that Jesus is still the KING!
My beloved Darlenys, never stop worshiping Jesus, never stop recognizing that he is your King, our eyes set on the King of Kings, and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.
hahaha when I was new in the ways of the Lord, I read the genealogy of Jesus and I noticed that his relationship with King David was for Joseph and not for Mary, and I asked several brothers and they did not give me concrete answers, until a brother He said that he also had the same doubt and that he would ask the Lord when he saw him face to face.
It's a good publication, thanks for sharing.
Beautiful song.
Only the son of God can contain so much love and power and thanks to his work we can choose our actions, but God is glorified when we choose good and discard evil
What a beautiful message, Jesus continues to reign Darlenys, the most important thing that reigns in us.
The beloved of our soul, our King, king of glory and his name is Christ.
your kingdom will have no end, as declared in Isaiah, Jesus reigns forever.
Indeed, Jesus is King. All creation was made of Him and for Him to serve Him. The song piece is powerful. God bless the contributors.
there is no other as our God KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, THE GREAT I AM, Blessings