The small Enrique of 7 years, could not attend school today, because he was suffering from a deep pain of teeth. With the innocence painted on his face and the frown between pain, he asked his mother to take him to the house of a sister in faith, to pray for him. This little boy was completely sure, that after the prayer, he could have a day full of games, laughter and hubbub with his neighborhood friends. How easy it made him look like this little one! Only believe and it will be done! I believe that miracles like this are those that God does with great pleasure.
Undoubtedly, this is the attitude that He expects of his children. That we have a simple, genuine, spontaneous and dynamic faith, like that of little Edgar. He did not just stay there, lamenting his situation. Nor did he remain passive, waiting for the miracle to reach him. Do not! He would go in search of his miracle! Like that woman, who had suffered from blood flow for 12 years (Luke 8: 43-44). She rose in faith and addressed the Master, making her way through the crowd that was squeezing her, but she was free. his scourge in that very moment when he touched the edge of Jesus' cloak.
The child also moved in faith and went out in search of his miracle!
This reminds me of the passage in John 11: 39 when Jesus, in front of the tomb of Lazarus and before the expectant crowd that was in that place, ordered them: "Take away the stone". Why would it touch them, remove that one? stone so heavy? Could not the Lord do the complete miracle? Well, simply, there are things that belong to us and we must do them! The rest, is in the full power and sovereignty of our God. Edgar knew a woman of faith, of prayer and that was the right time to pay her a visit!
Surely, the mother will then take the child to consult with the dentist and the child will follow a treatment until fully recovered. For that, the Lord has put science and technology at our service. However, the attitude of this little one full of faith, who had the Lord as his first choice, is worthy of standing out and even of being imitated! Frequently, we adults are experts in complicating things.
We hope to see first, and then to consider if we should believe. However, what the Lord tells us is that if we can believe then we will see his glory! Because everything is possible for the one who believes! Edgar's example leads me to reflect on how much blessing it would be for me, if I could have that kind of faith ... the faith of a child! How right the Lord was to give us this recommendation in Matthew 18: 3
"If you do not turn back and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven"
Very beautiful reflection of faith, truly God expects us to act as this child did.
Thanks for sharing @edxserverus