in #sc-v5 years ago

"When they were still far from Efrata, Rachel gave birth, but she had a very difficult delivery. At the most difficult moment of delivery, the midwife told her: "Do not fear; you're about to have another man! "However, she was dying, and in her last sighs she managed to call her son Benoni, but Jacob, his father, named him Benjamin."


The mother: had the mentality of culture: "son of my pain".

The father: said sadness, no, he is going to be called "son of my right hand".

God takes you to high levels of blessing. God tells you: "I gave birth to you through the blood of Christ." Benjamin was "the rapacious wolf", what he found was going to tear him apart and then divide the prey. He would have a battle instinct, an instinct of strength.

There is a diabolical plan for the children to be destroyed. One of the ways that destroy the lives of young people is the lack of limits.

We are the children of the right hand of God. He will anoint the spear of all the battles we fight, where we hit him, there we will not miss, we will hit the target!

The father who loves the son corrects him. Correct the wise and he will love you, wise is he who wants to know. The successes do not make us grow, what makes us grow is the pain of having received the correction.

Teach them to work, Jesus said: "I am in my dad's business". Business: "no leisure", we are not in this world without a purpose. Work makes it possible for the child, in transforming things, to discover his own value, "I am what I learn". If your initiative is reinforced and supported, they begin to feel that they are workers and capable of reaching goals. They must learn that not only is there pleasure in conceiving a plan, but also in carrying it out and the feeling of success.

"Faithful are the wounds of the one who loves" God has to correct you, the Holy Spirit corrects you, and it will hurt but then it will bring the fruit of blessing, of victory; To the mocker, the clown is not corrected.

I have to know where to put the yes and the no

The children who grew up without limits are small psychopaths, they do not respect any rule, they run over everybody. Discipline is not the same as punishment, discipline is always born of love, punishment is born of anger. When in the Bible it says that God disciplines his children, it is that God does it through love and teaches us to set limits.
The limits are a border and the goal of the limits is not that the boy behaves well or "heed me", the goal is to keep inside two words called "yes" and "no" so that tomorrow learn to use; Say "yes" to the good and "no" to the bad. That the boy learn when it is "let's go" and when it's "enough" and the most beautiful inheritance of the discipline is safety. Because when the child knows he is "yes" and what is "no" he walks through life with emotional security. There is no need to hit, or scream because then it breaks with all limits. When a person can not put limits on his anger then he is sending a message of absence of limits.

The child is growing through life satisfying desires, the limit is to place a fence to certain desires, to the whims you do not have to yield, to stand firm, to be affectionate, to try to calm them down, but not to give in, because we are pointing out that there is a contrast , that there is a "yes" and that there is a "no" and if the children do not keep the limits, they will be put tomorrow from another place.

Frustration tolerance

We have to teach our children tolerance for frustration, and that is learned from childhood. It is not tolerance to fail, it is one thing to tolerate failure and go from failure to failure and another thing is to tolerate frustration.

Tolerance to frustration is an inner strength, a person who can tolerate things do not go as imagined, is a person who has internal strength. That inner strength allows them to endure and survive the storms, not wanting to kill themselves when they do not have something, when they do not get something, it challenges them to be creative, to look for new ways to achieve that they have not yet achieved. Internal strength helps them solve problems, overcome obstacles in life, achieve goals and achieve their dreams.

Do not do for your children what they know how to do alone. God is not going to do what we know how to do. Do not intervene quickly when you have problems, (that experience anxiety, ambiguity). Our children have to be like the pines (they move from here to there but they do not fall). I have to teach them to postpone for something better, to think for tomorrow.

We have to teach our children by example, we have to show them that life is beautiful, enjoy the Holy Spirit, take them to the house of the Lord. Our children are arrows, we put them in the bow, one day we will release the arrow to hit the target!

Anecdote: a man was traveling on a plane and the plane had to land urgently, he did not know if he was going to leave alive from there. Then he wrote three things:

a-the things he did not dare to do.

b- who had to forgive (close old stories).

c-He wanted to see his children grow up.

The plane landed in the water and the first thing he did was go to an act at school to see his son.

Although you are not going to crash, the plane of life has a limit.


Beautiful words @elgringo. We have to teach our children by example, we must show them that life is beautiful, enjoy the Holy Spirit, take them to the house of the Lord. Our children are arrows, we put them in the bow, one day we will release the arrow to hit the target! Certainly there is no better teaching than the example, our children will follow the traces that we leave in the daily teaching.
Thanks for sharing