Salmos 89:8-14
OMG,the heavens praise you
for your great deeds;
all the angels of heaven
they talk about your fidelity
and only you are honored.
You are an incomparable God;
You are big and wonderful
among the gods!
8 Lord and God of the universe,
There is no God like you,
so faithful and powerful!
9 You dominate the raging sea,
and calm its rough waves.
10 You crushed the sea monster,
and with your powerful arm
You defeated your enemies.
11 Yours is heaven,
yours is also the earth;
you created the world
and everything in it.
12 You created the north and the south;
the mountains Tabor and Hermón
They praise you with joy.
13 Your power is very great
to perform great feats;
You raise your right hand
in victory signal!
14 You rule with justice and righteousness,
but above all things,
You show us your constant love.(Traducción en lenguaje actual (TLA))
This psalm is a covenant of a man with God, the covenants have always been powerful when they are made and if it is with God and man the results are extremely helpful and glorious.
David recognizes in this psalm the authority and sovereignty of God over the heavens and how they praise his glory and faithfulness.
David recognizes that only God is great formidable and wonderful and that there is no God like him in heaven or on earth.
He also praises his mercy, goodness and faithfulness to the children of men, emphasizing that only he is the creator of the universe and the author of life.
Highlight everything created by God in case anyone has a doubt and declares that everything is created by Him, the seas, mountains, cardinal points ... and glorifies the feats He has done over time.
In fact, this is our faithful God, the sovereign creator of everything created and his glory has no end. That is why the sons of men praise and exalt him because his faithfulness is forever.
ricci01.Great our God @elion alone He is deserving of all glory and honor. Praising their wonders is an honor for their children.
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