God made us unique nobody is equal to another we have a different DNA and a fingerprint that makes us different from each other.
We are the perfect creation of God and we are unique on this earth for this reason God does not like us to compare each other.
We read in the book of Galatians Paul's warning to the church where he states:
Galatians 6: 4
"Everyone should examine their behavior; and if they have something to be proud of, don't compare themselves to anyone."
Our behavior is very important and we must examine it on a daily basis because it determines our personality but we must do it wisely without boasting because as the apostle says if there is something to be proud to be of ourselves without having to compare ourselves with others because everyone has their Own conduct your own identity.
We are a creation with equal rights and with biologically equal needs but each one of us was born with a unique DNA so we are not equal.
Living pending what others do is not good because when the person assumes to be comparing himself with another evidently that this will bring envy and lack of personality. In addition, comparing with other people is lack of security and low self-esteem and that every person should be sure of what it is and not damage their esteem when compared to another.
When we compare ourselves with others, we are telling God that we do not like how He did not create and limit God's beautiful purpose for us.
¡God gave each one different talents and gifts and made us special and unique!.
ricci01.Excellent reflection @elion, we are unique imperfect but created by a perfect and unique God in our class with distinctive features of each other, therefore we do not have to be comparing ourselves to others.
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