I share a powerful word that will make you wake up the vibrations of your emotions and help you to be happy whatever the circumstance you are living in at the moment.
Psalm 118: 24 says:
This is the day the Lord made, I will rejoice and rejoice in him ».
We can live every day with joy and abundant joy. There is definitely nothing sadder than a sad Christian. You and I have the power of Jesus Christ living within us, the blood of Jesus that covers us, washes and cleanses us, the Holy Spirit that accompanies us and the Word of God that teaches us. Therefore, we have enough reasons to enjoy and rejoice every day.
Every day, you can determine if you will live happily or sadly. Joy does not depend on the circumstances that surround us, but it is a source that God puts in each of us. No matter what you are living or what the doctors have told you, you can enjoy today, because "this is the day the Lord made."
Doctors don't have the last word. The only one who has the last word is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Do not worry about tomorrow. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:33 "Do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow there will be time to worry." Every day, Jesus says, he has enough with his own problems. However, Jesus did not say, "I despise tomorrow," but what he meant was: "Enjoy and enjoy today." He does not say that he forgets tomorrow, but does not worry about tomorrow. Remember that the decisions you make today will affect tomorrow. Therefore, enjoy today, and when you arrive tomorrow, things will be fixed.
I want to suggest this lifestyle. Check out tomorrow, but while you enjoy today. If you want a new car, watch that new car, but in the meantime, enjoy the carcacha you can have today. Many are so worried about tomorrow that they don't have fun today. You can say: "And what do I do with my problems?" Jesus Christ said: "In the world you will have afflictions (problems)." However, he also said: "But trust because I have defeated the world."
We have a Christ who conquered evil, defeated the devil on the cross of Calvary, so he doesn't have to worry because Christ directed our concerns.
Philippians 4: 6 says: "Do not worry about anything, but your requests are known before God, in every prayer and prayer with thanksgiving." Therefore, do not worry. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:31: "In any case, no matter how much you worry, how can you prolong your life even for an hour?"
Even if you worry a lot, there are things you can't change. The challenges don't disappear just because you care. If nothing else to worry about, the challenges and problems would disappear, many of us would have left the problems a long time ago.
There are many people who worry when they don't have to worry. They get nervous when they haven't had a crisis. Jesus said in Matthew 6:27: "And who among you, no matter how much you care, can add a measure to your height?" And you can say: "But then, what do we do with our desires, needs and concerns?" Take them to the feet of Jesus. The Bible says that He can with our needs.
First Peter 5: 7 says: "Cast all our anxiety on Jesus, because He takes care of us." He takes care of you. Put your anxieties in Jesus. Remember what Philippians 4: 6 says: "Let your requests be known before God in every prayer and prayer."
When you have a concern, instead of going and spreading it, take that concern to the feet of Jesus. I assure you that if you take the time to take your problem to the feet of Jesus, He will take your burdens and give you strength, courage and new joy. There is a decision you must make. Don't let the devil, your boss or your neighbor decide for you. Say as in Psalm 118: "This is the day the Lord made, I will be glad and rejoice in him."