2 Timothy 2:15
"Strive diligently to present yourself to God approved, as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, who uses the word of truth well."
This day will begin a series of reflections and short devotionals about the end of the year, with which I hope to take you to a self-evaluation before God, in order to improve our walk before Him.
In this year that is ending we all went through good times and difficult times, if for a moment we made a self evaluation of what this year has been, we could all agree that the hand of God has been there to keep us and bless us.
God has really been good and of that there is no doubt, He has been in the moments in which we thought that we could not do more, in those moments where we were about to throw in the towel, but He was always there to strengthen our life and give us a new opportunity, so is my God as beautiful in mercy and grace.
There is no doubt that God is all the beautiful that we want to express ourselves of Him, but for a moment I invite you to do a self-analysis of what you have been for God. It is true that God has been great in mercy and grace, but how have you been with him? Uhhh it seems that you do not hear well right? If it is reality, maybe because many of us have had moments of enormous shame before Him, either because of some situation where we fail him or because of some hidden sin that maybe the people around us do not see, but God knows him.
My friend, this is a time where you can reflect on how you have been leading your life before God, how has your personal relationship with Him been this year? Will you really be approved by Him? Or perhaps we would be reprobated ?
The idea is not to judge or reproach anything, but to take you to a self-evaluation to try to improve in this coming year, it is not possible that while God is spilling with a God full of mercy and grace on our life, we are being bad workers who are taking advantage of that grace in a bad way.
It is time to evaluate how I maintained my intimacy with God in this year that is ending, rescue the good and discard the bad and most of all try to be approved workers before our Heavenly Father.
Could it be that in this year's test we are totally approved before God ?, or are there certain areas of our life where we are totally reproved? If so, it is time to wake up and realize that this new year that we are about to begin has to serve us to try to improve before God, so that there is nothing we can be ashamed of.
I really want to finish this year with nothing to be ashamed of before God and you?
We must always have a correct behavior before God and our neighbor, be merciful, love justice and embrace the truth, only then we can be approved servants.