in #sc-v5 years ago


Greetings and blessings.

We must understand the great privilege of being children of God. It is nothing that you and I have been washed with the blood of Christ. For God we represent a class of important people, redeemed from all sin and evil. The apostle Peter expresses it as follows:

But you are chosen lineage, royal priesthood, holy nation, people acquired by God, so that you can announce the virtues of him who called you from the darkness into his admirable light (1 Peter 2: 9).

How interesting to know that the church of Jesus Christ is the new "Israel" that now includes Gentile believers, who were not once a people, nor had they reached mercy.

From each language and nation, both you and I, we have been chosen by God to be part of the holy nation that God confirms in the text read.

Now we realize the great value we mean to our God. We know that his original people are Israel, but because they rejected Jesus, the messiah; so; He came to do for them: "stumbling block and rock that makes fall", but for us, "those who believe, he is precious".

God chose us through our faith in his Son Jesus Christ. We are a people acquired by God, which implies that the same rights and benefits centered on God's promises to Abraham now belong to us. Thank God for his love and mercy in Christ Jesus.

We are a holy people, chosen by God; The greatest of all, is that we are, royal priesthood. You and I are priests, which God chose to minister the sacred affairs of his temple. You will say: What temple? The apostle Paul said: Do not ignore that you are the temple of the Spirit of God. This means that both you and I are a temple not made with the hands of men, where God had promised to dwell. Now as priests we have the responsibility of ministering sacred matters, that is, worshiping and praising our God.


I mean that we are children nothing more and nothing less than the creator of all things, what a privilege.