Faith makes you use your imagination. In the middle of the bad I will see good things, because nobody can take away the internal attitude.
Faith is more precious than gold. I can lose everything but faith will bring it back to my life again. But it is faith, it is garbage. We must grow faith, not only bread lives man. The devil shows us what is seen, we move by what is not seen.
People of faith do what no one does, because we see what nobody sees. That faith makes you see solutions where others do not see them. The size of the problem you solve is the size of the reward you are going to have.
Look at the "mule" that tied you; says an anecdote that a horse had been tied to a mule and so the horse was becoming like the mule. But in reality he was a racing horse.
You are the one who will solve Pharaoh's "nightmares" because your faith will lead you to rule.
Jesus had been taken by a paralytic man, who was taken down by the roof of the house, it means that He is going to show you the roof you have to break. God is going to give you the faith to solve all the problems.
There is faith that makes you solve problems in two hours, but there is another that makes you solve problems of fourteen years. As Joseph resolved to Pharaoh, Joseph was at that time a servant, until he became governor.
Faith is personal: the blind man goes and Jesus asks him what do you want him to do to you? the paralytic also asked him, because Jesus needed faith to come out of their mouth, he does not go out with his thoughts but with his mouth, to shut up is dangerous, we have to speak about victory!
Sometimes the faith of others can make you achieve a miracle. The paralytic was charged by four friends who had faith. "Jesus saw their faith" God is going to send you these people!
There are problems of hours, of years and of generations. There is a solution for all of them. Some when they start solve it fast, others at the time but the Holy Spirit says: "but you will solve them before they appear, because they walk in my authority and in my faith".
Faith serves me for the desires of my heart and for small things as well. David said, "I wish I could drink water from the well that is at the entrance to Bethlehem!" And his brave men risked their lives, but they brought it to him. God will fulfill you up to the mark of mineral water that you want to take, "delight in the Lord and he will grant you the requests of your heart".
Sometimes it gives you wishes and sometimes it gives you other things. If you have not healed yourself yet, it is surely healing other areas. He did not give you the business because he is teaching you to handle criticism; When you acquire the character you need, you will have it.
"I do not give you the desire of your heart, but I'll give you another wish." Abraham waited thirty years to have the son, but while giving him other blessings that he could enjoy.
Faith will serve you in bad times and in good times, it will move you mountains and sometimes you will have to climb it, sometimes it will give us our desires and sometimes it will give us other desires.
He tells an anecdote that there was a man with a lot of money, who always wore a watch that was very valuable to him, and one day in a meeting there was a watchmaker and asked if he allowed him to see his watch, to which the man nodded. The watchmaker told him that the watch was cheap, and the other one could not believe it, but it was like that.
"Let's not use trout faith": that is only emotions. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. It does not have to do with "feeling", David said: "even at night my conscience teaches me", we always have to continue learning and growing in faith.
When Peter and John heard that the Lord had risen, they ran away; but Juan ran faster, and when he arrived at the tomb he did not dare to enter. Both ran motivated by something, Juan loved Jesus very much, Pedro admired him and was also very curious and impulsive. There are people who are like Juan, who go in a little and there are people who go in a lot like Pedro and make others take a risk too. If you are more Juan, look for a Pedro that encourages you to enter, and if you are like Pedro, look for a Juan that will help you run very fast motivated by love. There comes the combination of faith. Ask God to give you both!

Without faith it is impossible to please God, Jesus is the author and finisher of that faith.