
Welcome to my blog. May the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
The innocent state of a child is an important condition that the Lord Jesus recommends to each believer to enter the kingdom of heaven. Similarly, the fluency of God's love for those born in Christ is a similar tenderness treatment when a newborn baby arrives in the world. Therefore, live like a child!
In 1 Peter 1:14 the Lord says:
As obedient children, do not conform to the desires you had before being in your ignorance.
We must go to God as little children or we will never walk in obedience. We must depend on Him and ask for help continuously. He must help us in all that God has called us to do. He is ready, waiting and with more than will.
But we must go to Him with the humility of a child, with sincerity, honesty, unpretentious and open, knowing that, without Him or his continued help, we can walk in new levels of obedience.
In 1 John 4: 4, the apostle wrote:
Little children, you are of God and have overcome them; because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
The apostle speaks of defeating and defeating the enemy. Again, I consider that we need to see that this is only achieved when we go to God as children, depending on Him, counting on Him, trusting Him, etc.
In Galatians 4:19, the apostle Paul called believers in Galatia:
My little children, for whom I return to suffer labor pains, until Christ is formed in you.
Just as loving parents are willing to suffer for their children if necessary, so Paul suffered persecution to preach the Gospel to those he called his children. It was they who were born in the Kingdom of God through Paul's preaching. And Paul wanted to see them grow and enjoy what we obtained through the death of Jesus.
Referring to them as children, Paul let them know that he was ready to be by his side and do whatever was necessary, even suffer if necessary to see the achievement of God's purpose in their lives.
A good father would prefer to suffer in his own flesh than to see his children suffer. We see this "paternal filial principle" in action when the Father sent Jesus to die for us, his children.
According to the Bible, being innocent as children is our right, given by God and bought with the price of blood:
But all who received it, those who believe in his name, were given the power to become children of God (John 1:12).
The Spirit himself testifies to our spirit, that we are children of God. And if children, also heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if we suffer together with him, so that next to him we can be glorified (Romans 8: 16-17).
Children are heirs; They are the ones who inherit. Slaves are workers; They do not share the inheritance of the children.
Are you a worker or heir?
In Romans 8:21, the apostle lets us know that God's children have a glorious freedom and that one day ... "the creation itself will be freed from the slavery of corruption, to the glorious freedom of God's children. ".
As children of God, we were never created to live with ties of any kind. We must experience glorious freedom, freedom to enjoy all that God gave us through Christ. God has given us life, and our goal should be to enjoy it.
I do not speak of selfishness or petty enjoyment, for oneself and for anyone else. I speak of a joy in God, one who learns the way Jesus dealt with life and its circumstances, and thus allowed the enjoyment of everything!
Find a way to convert and remain with the innocence of a child, with all the simplicity of these. It will change the quality of life in a surprising way.
A simple approach can change everything. Try it, you will receive blessing!
ricci01.@johalys48, there is nothing more beautiful than the innocence of a child because they do not have malice and act sincerely do not know hypocrisy or resentment and know how to forgive everything innocently that is why our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to imitate them.
Hermoso mensaje, creo firmemente que somos instrumento de Dios, y tu eres de bendición para nuestras vidas al compartir con nosotros esa reflexión que como hijos de Dios siempre la debemos tener presente!