in #sc-v6 years ago

God told Joshua: "My servant Moses is dead; now, get up and pass this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land that I give to the children of Israel. "

Joshua 1: 2


It was a very hard blow for Joshua to lose his leader, his mentor, his guide, his spiritual father; But in order to reach God's goal for him, he would have to learn to overcome pain. There are people who remain tied to the past although the present looks promising to them; It's hard for them to close the past. God spoke clearly to Joshua: "My Servant Moses is dead; Now, get up and go over this Jordan "as if to say to him: dry your tears, do not let yourself be overwhelmed, you should not be overcome by sadness because there is still work to be done.

Joshua knew the town, and probably he felt nervous, he felt fearful, he would not know what to do, he had gone to eternity a special man, a person with extraordinary abilities and the so small and insignificant before such a rebellious people. The Lord began to deal with his heart and make him understand that now that Moses had left, a new stage for the people was now entering, but that he was the chosen one, he was the person that God had fixed and that this was a privilege , but at the same time a great responsibility. Possibly, thoughts such as: "If they did this with Moses, that God was with him, that it was the voice of God through him, if that happened to him, what will not happen to me?"

But God assigns him the great responsibility of beginning his leadership and tells him: "You shall divide this people for an inheritance, the land of which I swore to their fathers that I would give it to them" (v.6). But above all, God gives him a beautiful promise: "every place that the sole of your foot will tread will belong to you".

In the same way God speaks to you through this reflection, you can not continue crying and lamenting about situations that have happened to you in your walk. If they have turned their backs on you, if your partner died, if you lost possessions or your work, if your boyfriend left you ... it's enough to cry! It's time to get up. And that to rise up is first an internal attitude, is to be willing to fulfill the purpose of God, to believe God. The time of your promotion in God is approaching, do not miss it by remaining seated in your justification or in your feelings.

Today is your best moment!



Thanks for sharing.@jorgelis23, we have a past that is only past, but we have a present that is glorious in Christ Jesus, let us focus on it in order to live a life full of joy and fulfillment.