The Path of Salvation

in #sc-v5 years ago

What should I do to be saved? Except for what? What do you want to be saved from? From hell? That does not prove anything. Nobody wants to go there. The issue between God and man is SIN.


Do you want to be saved from this?
What is sin? Sin is a kind of rebellion against God. It is complacency; It is to ignore God's claims, and to be completely indifferent to the fact that our conduct may please or displease God.
Before God saves a man, He convinces him of his sinfulness. I do not mean by this that he says as many say, "Yes, we are all sinners, we already know." Rather, I want to say that the Holy Spirit makes me feel in my heart that I have been in rebellion against God all my life, and that my sins are so many, so great, so black, that I fear having transgressed beyond the reach of divine mercy.

Have you ever had this experience? Have you felt totally unworthy of heaven and moved away from the presence of a Holy God? Do you perceive that there is nothing good in you, or anything good? Treasures hidden from Christian literature. All rights reserved.
credited to your account; and that you have always loved the things that God hates and hated the things that God loves?
When thinking about these things has not your heart been broken before God? Do not you regret your misuse of His mercies, of His blessings, for abusing the Day of Lord, for having rejected His Word, and for not having given it a true place in your thoughts, in your affections and in your life? If you have not seen or felt this personally, then there is currently no hope for you, for God says, "But if you do not repent, you will all perish likewise "(Luke 13: 3) And if you die in your current condition, you will be lost forever.

But if you have reached the place where sin is your greatest plague, where offending God is your greatest sorrow, and where your greatest desire is to please and honor Him; then you have hope.
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10). He will save you, if you are ready and willing to abandon the weapons of your rebellion against Him, you bow to His Lordship, and surrender to His control.
Your blood can clean the darkest spot. His grace can sustain the weakest. His power can rid the sufferer with trials and temptations. "Here now is the acceptable time; Behold now the day of salvation. "(2 Cor.6: 2) Give in to the claims of God, give Him the throne of your heart, trust in His atoning death, love Him with all your soul.
Obey Him with all your strength, and He will guide you to heaven. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your home" (Acts 16:31).


Before man fell into sin, God had foreseen in eternity past the Way that would free him from his just condemnation; And this way is His Son Jesus Christ "the Lamb of God" who takes away the sin of the world.

The Bible says:

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it will strike you in the head, and you will strike him in the heel "(Genesis 3.15).

"He certainly (Jesus Christ) took our diseases, and suffered our pains; and we felt him scourged, wounded by God and dejected. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our sins; the punishment of our peace was upon him, and by his wound we were healed. We all went astray like sheep, each one went his way; but the Lord has laid on him the sin of us all. " (Isaiah 53. 4-6).