in #sc-v6 years ago

Biblical quotation: Luke 12.15 "And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; because the life of man does not consist in the abundance of the goods that he possesses "


This sin (disease) consists in the excessive desire to acquire and treasure material wealth, with the sole purpose of being recognized by society. Jesus already mentions it in this book that the life of man does not consist in the abundance of goods, since that is only temporary or temporary that can remain or increase, or disappear from one moment to another, because all the wealth of man does not it consists of it, but in what it has inside it. The book of Proverbs 28.22 says: "The covetous is quick to be rich, and he does not realize that poverty will come to him" Worries in general do not lead anywhere, since many times you bet on winning and in the majority of cases is lost; This type of "life" is, in short, too draining, since the person has the mind and the gaze only to see the way to increase the assets that he / she possesses (his / her environment does not count, or does not have more importance since his / her mind she finds herself dull in her obsession), because if she fails to do so, she can produce frustration in him, which can cause a crisis in her emotional state and in her organisms in general, which mostly leads to death. While it is true that everyone in life wants to lead a comfortable, safe life, and we try to give our children the best (especially if you come from a humble family, with deficiencies, where you had to sacrifice many things to achieve a goal or dream) so that they do not have to go through all the vicissitudes through which we pass; However, this does not mean that you have to live immersed in this unhealthy desire for greed, trying at all costs to possess more and more every day, leaving everything (including the family) aside, losing yourself of the best that God has for you. has given ... the pleasure to live my brother !! Every moment, every moment, every second enjoying all the beautiful things that our God has done for us. What good is it to possess so much wealth if you do not know how to enjoy it, so much to store if in the end ... Nothing, absolutely nothing you will have to take, because it is necessary to be aware that one day your end will come; and you know what is the worst of all this? That everything that you accumulated, that you did not want to share with yours, or that you did not enjoy, one day yours will have it and then they will enjoy it to the point of ending everything you left, you know why? Because in your illness (greed), or blindness you did not know how to share the moments of quality with yours; I can assure you that they would like to exchange all the money and comforts for a shared time, for your attention, and above all for a caress full of love ... Remember that the Bible says: Galatians 6.7 "everything that man sows, that too will harvest "Let me tell you the following: the real wealth of man is not in his bank account, or in his material goods ... The real and true wealth is found in his interior (his soul and his spirit), since through them can live quietly, trusting that everything has a solution and enjoying everything and everyone around him; Without giving greater importance to the things or circumstances that arise throughout his life, because in the end the victory will come.

The word of God tells us "that rivers of living water will flow from within" which will make a wonderful, unique plant bloom in you and in me, with an exceptional color and a splendid brightness, whose simple name makes us regain courage and strength Do you know what it's called? There goes the name: HOPE; if my brother the same hope that a child has that one day everything will change, that things will be better; the hope that a man of the field has that the fruit of his labor will one day produce an excellent harvest; the hope of a mother who is in a state of gestation that the day will come when she will meet the child she has in her womb ... HOPE !!

It is the same that we all must have in our Creator and Finisher of the faith, in Christ Jesus. It is time to stop living in an eager way, to run after the material, to simply live for a living ... it is time to change our lives, leaving aside the material riches and focusing better on the spiritual riches (from the Kingdom), to fill us with the peace, joy and freedom that only He and anyone else can give us, because << it is better to live one day in the presence of the Lord, than a thousand outside Him >>

Today I invite you to reflect on the life you lead, to do a true self-analysis, and in all sincerity you answer if it is worth the way of life that you are leading, or it is better to give a total turn to it and see with another perspective the opportunity that the Lord is offering you TODAY.

I hope with all my heart that you receive this message,