This is the confidence we have in him (Jesus Christ), that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests we have made to him.
1 John 5: 14-15
The bible tells us many stories which take us to certain moments of our lives
One that we can find at the beginning of the Bible is that of Isaac, the bible tells us that he was the only son of Abraham and Sara.
We see that God had promised Abraham that he would have a large offspring through his son Isaac.
Genesis 21:12
Then God said to Abraham, "Do not think it's serious because of the boy and your servant; In all that Sarah will say to you, he hears his voice, because in Isaac it will be called offspring.

But the wife of Isaac Rebecca had a physical condition was sterile and for 20 years could not conceive, but it is there when Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife who was sterile; and the Lord accepted that prayer and Rebecca conceived his wife.
Genesis 25:21
And Isaac prayed to the LORD for his wife, who was barren; and the Lord accepted it, and Rebekah his wife conceived.
She God light twins: Jacob and Esau.

When Isaac prayed to God he obtained that divine response from God, God shows us that a prayer with faith on the part of his children was answered.
I do not know what are the plans that God has for your life that are a prayer to be concretized, we can see that God before the creation and had plans with this couple, God already knew the faith of Isaac and of Rebekah.
Just like today God knows your need all of you, that when you are weak because of that longing that you have, he is always there, one step away from the answer.
This prayer of Isaac encourages us to pray with more perseverance, God is ready for this prayer of the heart, to bless us, to fulfill our plans which he knows beforehand
So, dear brother, we pray with faith with insistence and if it is the plan devised by God, he will know how to respond.
It is in prayer that we find answers and build dreams @kenlys.
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