The power to cry

in #sc-v6 years ago

Jeremiah 33: 3 "Cry out to me, and I will answer you, and teach you great and hidden things that you do not know.

The word of God shows us this wonderful promise, the God of heaven invites us to cry out to him, in order to get an answer.
When we start looking for the meaning of clamoring we find many definitions which all lead us to the same end and it is something that goes beyond a simple prayer of a simple talk with God, to cry is to ask for divine help is to intervene with the heart, it is a moan of the soul, it is to beg for that which is desired is to be afflicted is to go with the desire to be answered by God.

In the Bible we can see several people who cried out to God an example was Ana, she was moaning crying she wanted God to take away that sterility that she had, although the priest believed that she was drunk, she had an end and it was the desire to have that child and the desire to be heard by God.

There are different ways to cry, but the important thing is to insist, until you see what you want.

The Lord in this verse tells us that he will respond and not only that will show us great things that many times we do not imagine and not only that but hidden things that sometimes we do not know what we need, but God if you know them.

Today God remains faithful to his promises, I have been witness to that cry to God in the midst of the disease and been answered, and been healed of many evils that even science is surprised, this is why dear brother today I urge you to cry out to God.

Many times we get used to the routine just to pray and already and even then God answers us, imagine if we truly spill our soul and heart before God that things he could not do with our life.

What situation overwhelms you today dear brother? Or what are you waiting for God to do for you?
Just cry, cry and cry until the answer of the God of heaven arrives, your cry can free the sinner, your cry can heal the sick, your cry can restore your family, your cry can freedom this nation.


When we cry we are telling God that there is no tomorrow if he does not rescue us, it is our last chance, that without him we are lost.

I have cried many times and I can not find the love of God

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cry out to God and ask for His loving mercy.