
Do not let anything rule and control your life, apart from God. We must be convinced that God gives us the power to make wealth, because everything in the world belongs to God as the supreme creator. Do not allow money to replace God from the first place in your heart, but, on the contrary, allow God to continue to govern your life, especially the goods and riches it can give you.
The love of money will not dominate your life, your conviction of life is the word of God, the light that guides your path, let only the Holy Spirit direct your steps, so that you can live in fullness and freedom.
1 Timothy 6:10 says:
“Because the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil; and some people, in their intense desire for money, have deviated from true faith and caused many painful wounds. "
When we do not allow the influence of love of money to break our convictions of the word of God, we do not run the risk of being caught in fraudulent business or in situations that compromise our honesty. When money is the only thing that guides us, we are putting an "idol" before the true God. When a person is capable of transgressing the laws and the Word of God, with the sole purpose of obtaining money, he is dominated by his love. On the other hand, it is biblical advice to work to obtain the blessing; in proverbs 10: 4 it says: “The negligent hand impoverishes; But the hand of the diligent enriches ”.
The problem is not to set goals that can give us great profits, but to put money as our maximum goal, putting our values at risk. We have not brought anything to this world and we will certainly not take anything from it. Let us be happy, grateful at all times, and fight only according to the word of God.
Let's do this prayer:
“Father, I feel grateful for what I have now in my life, because everything comes from your grace. I am a foreigner in this world, I put your word before everything else and your hand will always be with me, I believe it and I declare it in the name of Jesus. Amen"