By being filled with the fullness of God we can allow the Spirit to flow through us, affecting the lives of others. And, at the same time, we can allow the Spirit to flow, from others to us, bringing revelation of the needs and experiences of others.

Being filled with the Spirit of God, the one who created the universe and raised Christ from the dead, I can affect my body and the body of others to experience miracles.
My soul does not need to be attached to my body, it can move.
My mind does not need to be subject to my own knowledge, it can access to know other things through divine knowledge; You can know things from the past and things from the future, my things and other people's things.
That life in abundance and that complete joy affect the fullness of our inner being. Our body wears out because of the contamination of my spirit and the afflictions of my soul
The outer reality affects my inner reality, the cells wear out because of the effect of the outer reality. My cells must be kept healthy. Our negative emotions affect our DNA, they end up shortening or rolling; instead, our positive emotions lengthen it. This has tremendous significance since they end up conditioning our future and even affect our heritage.
The first battle is fought within us and the result affects all the reality we live every day. We are the link between the abundant spiritual riches we have available and the confusion and weakness in which we move.
This opens up a new understanding about the riches in glory that we have in Christ Jesus.
A first understanding of these riches would be something ethereal, something heavenly, but these riches in glory are resources that we have available to affect the reality we live. The celestial reality is a reality that is here, present
What are these riches in glory?
They are resources that we have available in Christ
Those riches are capable of producing strength within us Ephesians 3:16
Supply everything we need. Philippians 4: 8
Lead us to reach full understanding. Colossians 2: 2
God wants to make known the riches of glory. Colossians 1:27
He wants to make them notorious. Romans 9:23
These riches are inscrutable, incalculable and uncountable. Ephesians 3: 8
They are described as the deep riches of the wisdom and science of God. Romans 11:33
Our senses perceive material reality, in a way distorted by our egocentrism.
On the other hand, the spiritual reality we perceive is more true and real than the material reality.
The material informs me what it is.
The spiritual can modify material reality.
We have to be filled with the Spirit to modify and build the material reality that God wants to establish.
Modify the health of our body and the fullness of our inner life.
Modify the health of our relationships, affect others with the life of God; according to the abundance of the resources we have available in Christ.
Thanks for sharing.
You make some profound points. Thank you @laramrm!
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