in #sc-v6 years ago

We call ourselves Christians, children of God and followers of Jesus Christ, but with our behavior we can be a stumbling block for others, despite supernatural experiences with God and receiving from his power and glory, there are still attitudes that show that we should continue to be transformed.


The apostle Paul noticed this in Peter that already knowing of God and everything for what they had gone through, repeated behaviors of his past life, Peter stopped sharing and departed from the Gentiles for fear of what they would say, and be rejected by society in that time; And the worst thing is that many Jews followed the example of Peter, and instead of rebuking him, they became hypocrites.

"Before some came from James, Peter used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to withdraw and separate himself from the Gentiles out of fear of those who favored circumcision. Then the other Jews joined Peter in their hypocrisy, and even Barnabas himself allowed himself to be carried away by that hypocritical behavior. Galatians 2: 12-13 (NIV).

This situation is not very far from our reality, we share the word to the lost but we do not want to approach them because they are sinners and because of the fear of bad tongues, we exclude them inside and outside the church. If we are children of God, why do we behave like the people of the world ?, and in the meantime we want them to give their lives to the Lord giving them a bad example with our bad attitudes. ¨ If you, who are Jewish, live as if you were not, why do you force Gentiles to practice Judaism? Vs 14

If it took us so long to leave the past, our mistakes and all those things disappeared from our lives and God helped us to destroy them, why do we build them again ?, because to return and behave as if we had not known God, that makes us equal of sinners that those in the world. "If one rebuilds what he had destroyed before, he becomes a transgressor" Vs 18.

Let's analyze today if we truly reflect that Christ lives in us.
¨ I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. What I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me "Vs 20.


A biblical Christian is a person who has taken his personal problem of sin seriously. The degree to which we can feel the terrible weight of sin differs from one person to another. The time it takes for a person to be brought to awareness of their bad record and heart varies. There are many variables, but Jesus Christ, like the great Physician, has never brought his healing virtue upon someone who does not recognize himself as a sinner. He said: "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance (Matthew 9:13). Are you a biblical Christian-one who has taken seriously his own problem of sin?