"So that you can understand with all the holy people, how wide, long, deep and deep is the love of God, I ask you to know that love that is much greater than everything we can know so that they can be filled with the fullness total of God. " (Eph 3, 18-19)
The greatest proof of the father's love can be evidenced on the cross, through Jesus, even though they are imperfect and ungrateful, the love of God could overcome us, his nature of love, delve into what the father really is.
"But God proves that he loves us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Rom 5.8
Unfortunately still in the churches there are people who do not understand for love in the same way that God understands it, love is not for convenience or interest, love is only love.
As Father:
"Like the tenderness of a father with his children is the tenderness of the Lord with those who fear him." Ps 103, 13, "For us there is one God, the Father, from whom all things come and by whom we have been created" 1 Cor 8, 6. "Ask and you will be given: seek and you will find; He will open the door for you, for he who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and the door to the one who knocks will be opened. Would any of you give his son a stone when he asks for bread? Or would he give him a snake when he asks for it? asks you for a fish? Well, if you, who are bad, know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Father, who is in Heaven, give good things to those who ask them! " Mt 7, 7 - 11.
How is God's love?
- Personal
- Unconditional
- Big
- Merciful
God always wants the best for you
In our personal history, we must be sincere and discover that God has led us to this present moment; and it calls us to be good, to be better, to be happy, to let ourselves be loved by Him and to love others by offering forgiveness, forgetting offenses, healing the heart. In our family history, in the midst of the shortcomings and limitations, he gave us some parents who, although imperfect, gave us the best, life, love, values, etc ...
God always takes the initiative
God always waits for you, He wants you to know, to remember, to believe in his love, personal and unique, no matter where you are, no matter how your heart is (dirty, shattered), God is your Father and loves you, He come to your meeting today.
The preaching of God's love is not understood until it is experienced, and when we manage to feel it; his love, his tenderness, his mercy, his closeness; then we feel so loved, that we are able to love and go out to meet others. It is the love of God that sustains us at all times and although the burden of life is difficult, to feel his presence and his love, it makes us know that it is possible to live better, because I am a beloved daughter of God the Father, and to his love we can not hide, because if we do we die.

Recommended reading
Publication made by the Apostle @ Darlenys01