The commission that Christ gave to teach-The last words
that Christ said to his disciples were: "Behold, I am with
you every day, until the end of the world. " "Therefore, go, and
make disciples of all nations. " Matthew 28:20, 19. Go up
the furthest reaches of the inhabited globe, and know that wherever you
go, my presence will assist you ...
We are also given the same commission. We are ordered
that we advance as messengers of Christ, in order to teach, instruct
and persuade men and women, urging them to pay attention to the
Word of Life. We are also assured of the permanent
presence of Christ. Whatever the difficulties with the
which we have to contend, whatever the evidence we have to endure, the next full promise of grace belongs to us
constantly: "Here I am with you every day, until
World's End"
congratulations in this year great church