in #sc-v5 years ago


May the joy, peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Anguish and despair were my companions in my life without Christ. The absence of peace in my heart filled me with many fears and great insecurity. I was afraid of everything. I lived in great levels of frustration and my soul did not experience joy, but great sadness.

Many were my desire to have and accumulate material things that, instead of bringing joy and peace to my heart, filled me with greed and greed.
Life without Christ was not easy for me, it was just a life of failure and constant vanity.

I remember the day I received Christ in my heart, as soon as I confessed, as soon as a great peace covered my heart. I felt that a huge weight was leaving my body and my soul went into a break, in an indescribable tranquility and suddenly my lips filled with laughter. An immense joy began to take over my whole being. Sadness left, insecurity and fear vanished. I felt a glorious freedom that cannot be described in words. Freedom in Christ is so wonderful and so unique that you feel that your whole being is full of God.

I learned that joy and peace are found by believing in God.

The Word says in Romans 14:17

Because the kingdom of God is not food or drink, but justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

I dedicated myself in the world to be more aware of the material than the spiritual, that was the reason for my failure and my bitterness without Christ. But when Jesus came to my heart, I understood that only at his feet can I have peace in my life and a heart full of joy.

I understood that to live in Christ is to be out of the worries of the world, that life in Christ is only true peace, joy and justice in the Lord.

I realized that joy never shines through disbelief, but it is always present where belief in God is found.

Believing is much easier than not believing.
If we do not believe God, his Word or his promises, then we have the task of reasoning and trying to resolve matters on our own. He who wrote Hebrews 4: 3 realized that those of us who have believed enter into the rest of God.

In Hebrews 4:10, he wrote: "For he who has entered into his rest has also rested in his works, as his own God."

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, "Come to me all who are worked and loaded, and I will give you rest."

Jesus taught us to turn to Him, but how do we turn to Him? In Hebrews 11: 6, he says: "But without faith it is impossible to please God; because it is necessary that he who approaches God believes that he is there, and that he is the winner of those who seek him." That means that when we turn to God, we must do so by believing. When we do, we will have joy, and where there is joy, there will be a real enjoyment of life.

I thank God who allowed me to approach Him through faith in Christ, and today I can testify that his presence has brought glorious peace and joy in my life. This helps me to face the situation in my country with great courage and hope in Christ Jesus, which gives us the strength, peace and joy necessary to lead a victorious life. Our victory that conquers the world is our faith.


@mamidalia, certainly the joy of our hearts is Jesus and outside of Him there is no peace. DTB

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